Wednesday, March 2, 2011

what's next?

Sophia has been doing excellent in her studies! She is so smart and so witty. We are having a lot of fun homeschooling and have decided that this "trial year" has gone so well we decided to continue again next year. This year was Sophia's Pre-K 4 year, she missed the cut off for Kindergarten by 7 days, but we have been doing a mix of Kindergarten and Preschool activities. I haven't wanted to hold her back, but I don't want her jumping to far ahead either, I didn't want her to be bored if we decided to put her into a Kindergarten class next year.
A few things led us to make the decision to continue homeschooling, a few of the things are major reasons and the others are just bonus reasons that make us feel very comfortable with our decision.
The most important reason we decided to homeschool is because the school system will not give the anti-seizure drug to her should she have a seizure while at school. You see we keep a medication called Diastat (Diazepam)that we give her when she has a seizure. This is a valium that stops the convulsing and allows for healthy oxygen flow to her brain. We only give this when she has a Grand Mal seizure that lasts more than 4 minutes, or if she has Grand Mal seizures one after another, cluster seizures. The goal is to stop the seizures so that her brain is not deprived of oxygen. This medication has always worked and we haven't had to give it to her in a while, but it is important that whoever is with her knows how to use it and has it available should it be required. Sounds simple enough right? Wrong... the school does not handle this drug because it is given rectally, just like a rectal thermometer or a suppository and they "don't want to be put in a position to have to give this drug." YES- I realize that I could argue this, but from what I have heard, if she was in school she would be put in a special needs class due to her medical needs, which is not necessary because until this point academically Sophia is right with other children her age and does not have learning disability.
There are other reasons that we feel comfortable with homeschooling and have already considered this as an option for our family.. this is what we are going with.
I love being with my children and I believe that no one will care of them, nurture them, and take the time to educate them based on their individual learning styles.
I feel confident with my degree and experience as an educator that this is a task I am qualified to do.
We have meet a lot of friends who homeschool and this year we established ourself with an awesome co-op that we love spending time with so I am not concerned with socialization as a major factor. The kids have lots of friends, they are both involved in sports, and we are apart of a great church community with plenty of rugrats!
I feel like this day in age parents have to be advocates for their children's innocence, with the influence of world views, standardized testing, and demanding schedules I take this role very seriously and my goal is to let our children be children.
I don't know how long we will homeschool for but at this time this is the best option for our family... and I am proud of my children and their enthusiasm about staying home with mommy and I'm excited to watch them enjoy learning.
That said, I do not take this decision lightly, I have a commitment to my children and to their education, I take this seriously and it is a heck of a lot of work! :) But there is nothing more rewarding than instilling them with a love of learning and a personalized, quality education. So here we go...

And Miss Sophia, she loves nothing more than to do her school work with her best pal in the world, Jazzy-Bell :)

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!! I have flirted with the idea of homeschooling, but there really is not a lot of "healthy" support here. I am glad that you have taken charge of your children's educations and that Sophia is thriving in her homeschool environment =) sounds like the medication thing was just a blessing in disguise. Yay for great Momma's like you Holly!!!
