Tuesday, March 15, 2011

a letter to my monsters

Sophia, my first born, the one who made me a mother.
My little darling. I love you more than I know how to put into words. From first breath you have brought me my greatest joy. You have a way of humbling me, swirling me out of control, only to show me what is really important in this life. I want the best for you, I want you to thrive. I lay awake at night wondering how I can enrich your life, teach you better, be a better example.

Troy, my little man, the one who made me a better mother.
Sweet boy. You melt my heart. You are carefree and wild. You have taught me not to be caught up in the happenings of this world, but focus on the happenings of the heart. You make me stop to play. You are consistent and balanced. You bring superheros to life and can make anyone smile. I strive to bring balance and joy to your life. I don't want to hinder your spirit. I want to see you flourish, help you, teach you, and watch you run, so fast and so free.

To my Children,
I hope when you look back on your childhood you look back with found memories of love and laughter. I hope you think of all the fun things we have done together, but mostly I hope you know that I loved you. I read once that the most important thing for a child to know is that they were loved. So my sweet ones, I acknowledge I make mistakes, I may not meet every situation with grace and compassion, but know that I loved you more I ever knew was possible. The kind of love that taught me how God must love us. I didn't understand the power of God's love until I experienced life with you two. You made me a better person and every morning when I get up I pray to God that he will lead me, so that I can be an example for you. I pray that God use me to show you His love, for as your mother, there is no greater gift I can give you than to show you how God loves. I love you Sophia Ann and Troy Anthony.

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