Friday, November 21, 2008

God is Good

This week has flown by. I started taking medical terminology online so that I can get a J-O-B. It was a decision that I have gone around and around with. I really didn't want to have to put the kids in daycare. With the possiblity of us moving I didn't want to add more change by going back to work and then having to put the kiddies in daycare. Lots of prayers and some jobs presented themselves that I could work at night or some days, but it really wouldn't affect the kids schedule and they wouldn't have to go into fulltime daycare, which I thought was an answer to prayers. I applied for the job only to be turned down, I needed medical terminology. So- I checked into the classes and the hours and days would no way fit in with our everyday life. I prayed about it more and God opened another door and my good buddy Kelly showed me that I could take this class online. She had already started it, as she too is finding herself in a life changing time. I started it and have been trying to complete a chapter a week, thus the lack of attention on my blog this week. I gave tonight to tackle the loads of laundry that has been piling up in my room all week. I folded laundry for two and a half hours straight! It is all done though and I think most of our clothes are clean, folded, and put away.
Sophia still is doing great with no seizures. The nuerologist said that she thinks the medication that Sophia was on was aggrivating her seizure condition instead of helping it- I think she may be right. Her mood is so much more stable. She is still they typical three year old with tantrums and high emotions. But all of that is so much easier to understand. She is so happy and hasn't once had a depressed day like she used to say she didn't want to get out of bed, she would say she wanted to stay in her room... she hardly ever complains of her tummy hurting- unless it really does. :) She is doing really great. Praise God for that!
Troy is doing good. He has been sleeping so much better. This week he has slept until about 4:30 every morning, only to eat a bottle then he goes right back to sleep until around 7:30. He is such a sweet little guy. He is talking more. He started saying some new words this week "Muck" which is milk, "Bah Bah" for his bottle.. he calls Sophia "Titty" because he can't say Sissy.. now that's funny right!?
Well, I'm really tired. I hope everyone has a great weekend. :) I'll update more later.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're doing good, just busy! I hear you on the laundry monster too, 6 loads in one day this week, yikes!

    I hope that the class goes well, with all the doctors we see I've often thought I should take medical terminology just to understand what they're saying! Now you can translate for me:)
