Saturday, November 8, 2008

Look What I got!!


Now, I know it's would appear to be just a button... but NO, it is an award saying I am a kreativ blogger! Ok, well, really thank you Shan for passing it on to me and other Kreativ bloggers. Part of the deal is that I...

The rules of the award:

1. List 6 things about yourself

2. Pass this award on to others

6 Things about Myself
1. I ate oatmeal for breakfast and I'm making an attempt to eat healthy, but the pumpkin pie on the counter is calling my name and I'm fighting the temptation to grab a fork and eat the rest of the pie right out of the pan, and I won't forget the Ready Whip!

2. Troy is awake in his crib and I am blogging... I should probably go get him, maybe I should have won the Addicted Blogger Award.

3. Tony calls Troy "Mommy Face", yes he looks like his daddy, but according to baby pictures his face looks just like a little Holly. No wonder everyone thinks he is so cute. :)

4. I love coffee, I'd drink it all day if it wouldn't keep me up all night, not to mention it's not good for you. But I love it!

5. I grew up on a farm, but sadly I was allergic to everything that lived on it. I love horses, cows, chickens, the whole thing! It was great growing up on a farm, I wish I could have enjoyed it more. I love that Sophia loves riding and has no sign of allergies.

6. I hate folding laundry and have six loads waiting to be folded and put away...

Pass This Award on To Others

What a world, randomness of a stay at home mommy
Kati, Copy the button and accept the award.

Angels, Bambi and Garbear, and Our Journey Home already received it or I'd send it to them too!

1 comment:

  1. Uh, we have alot in common, I also love coffe and I have a ton of laundy that needs folded, I like to washit and get it clean, but really fold it and put it away??
