Friday, May 15, 2009

I got the JOB!!!

GOD PROVIDES!!! I got the job that I applied for at the hospital!!! WHOO WHOOO!! I am NOT praying for patience ever again!! I think I applied in February ;)
Thank you Lord!!!

More importantly, this means that we WILL have health insurance!!! Plus, vison and dental, which we never had ;)

I am really excited!!

Sophia has been doing great on the 5mg/2X a day. Hurray for that. No more tummy aches. :) She is playing with a pink water ballon that she named "Wilbur" in the bathroom sink with soap right now. I hope "Wilbur" doesn't pop. :) She even brought him to sit at the table with her for lunch. She wrapped him in a dish towel. YES, this child needs another pet STAT!

Troy is trying so hard to talk. Yesterday I was sitting in his room and he walked out and said "Say Bah Bah (Bye Bye)Troy" as he waved at me oh his way out.

Sophia just told me that "Wilbur" 'throwed up again'.. I hope it didn't pop. :)

Tony is selling stuff like crazy on craigslist. He has been selling stuff in our garage that we don't need or use.

God is really working in our family. Tonight I am going to a Girls Night with some girls from church. It is going to be so nice to be with all the girls. :) No kids!!


  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So proud of you! I'm coming over to celebrate this weekend, haha!!!! :)

  2. Hooray! Praise God! So,so glad to hear that things are headed in a good direction for your sweet family. I'll trade you - you can have my little chatterbox of a girl if you'll teach her how to walk and I will gladly have T-Man talking in 3 days flat - guaranteed! He'll be talking your ear off when he gets back home to ya ;)
