Wednesday, May 6, 2009

rough go of it

Well, needless to say.. life has brought us to our knees. No jobs, housing is tough, and Sophia had a tough doctor appointment Thursday last week.
So where to start?
Well, first thing is first I guess... Tony has not been able to find another job, yet. We are both looking for jobs but slim pickings around here.
Very short notice and quick decision,we moved back to our old house(thanks to some help from family) we don't know how long we will be able to stay here but it feels like home and we are thankful to have some time to gather ourselves even if it is just for a short time.
Then, in the middle of the move last week Sophia had a doctor appointment. I took the kids while Tony was home moving things from one house to the other. It was difficult enough under the circumstances and then taking Sophia to the doctor and bringing Troy with me really was stressful. The doctor talked to me about a lot of things. They did a lot of physical tests with her walking on a line and standing on one foot, standing on her heels, holding her arms out, alternating hands and feet... different things. They had done some of this before but this was more extensive, I just knew something was different. She asked me about Sophia's development and if I thought she was learning and speaking at a normal pace. I most defiantly did, she has had no developmental problems. She told me that she thinks Sophia is having some physical problems from the lack of oxygen in her muscles during a seizure that she is having some muscle contractions in her legs. I guess that's why she walks on her tippy toes (I thought it was from ballet)but she does it often and she does complain about her legs hurting and we always blew it off like it was growing pains. I feel like a terrible mother like I ignore all of the signs that something is wrong. Geez! The doctor upped the amount of medication that Sophia gets at night. She has been having some seizures during the night so this should help with that. While she remains on the same dosage during the day. So- this has been an overwhelming week! You'd think it was over with that but no-
Our family suffered a big loss last week. Our furbaby, Tater Tot died. Our sweet pup hasn't been well for quite a while. When she was three she was diagnosed with an enlarged heart and we were told she was going to have a shortened life span. She started to gradually decline in her activity level over the past year and when we got home from church on Sunday she couldn't even walk. It was really pitiful. She was our baby. Tony got her for me when I was 17, she had been a part of our life during the most important times in our life. She will be missed. That was a very hard day.
We are getting settled in the house and the kids are more than happy to be home. This is what they know as home. Sophia ran right into her 'pony room' and Troy ran right into his room pointed at the tractor on his wall and said 'vroom vroom'.
It has been very emotional to be here, be in this position.
I am thankful for the trails in life, although the tunnel is dark I know there is light at the end and I know that God provides even for the birds and like the sparrow He will take care of us.
I am so blessed to have family, friends, and God fearing people around us who encourage us, love, and support us.
Troy is talking more and more. When you pick him up to check his diaper he says "EEEWWWWW" He is so funny.
Sophia is a happy girl too. She is doing good with the medication adjustments and she is happy, that's most important. She misses her pup and talks about her often.
We have had a rough go of it lately.
We miss you our sweet baby girl...


  1. Oh Holly! I didn't know about all of this. Sorry to hear it was an even more rough week than I thought. Love you! Hope this week goes better.

  2. I love love love you Holly!!!!!! Glad to share life with you and be one of the prayer warriors lifting you up :)

  3. Holly, honey - I'm thinking about you and your precious family. My prayers are with you - times are tough for a whole lotta people right now, including us. So, I totally understand. Praying especially hard for Sophia (not only her health but the loss of her pet ='( very hard on little ones).
    Hang in there sweet thing ... "this too shall pass"

  4. By the way, my husband did NOT leave that last comment. haha BROOKE did. Just wanted to clear that up.
