Friday, December 10, 2010

all I am going to say about this...

I'm writing this to fill in for family and friends who have asked where our white dog is.. and because I'm pretty ticked about the rescue that we have dealt with.. and this is all I am going to say about this.. because I know some people are sick of hearing me talk about it and I'm a bit exhausted of it as well and there is not much else left to do but blog and leave it at that! So here is what happened to Papi and my vent about this rescue (that I will not name)...

We support animal rescues- taking animals from puppy mills and rescue them from poor conditions, neglectful situations, dangerous conditions... In our house we are true animals lovers! We had our dog Tater-Tot from a puppy until she passed away. Growing up we always had animals, I was raised on a farm, and we always had animals... my family jokes that my mom takes better care of her animals and cleans her barn better than her home ;) She would kill me if she knew I said that. The point being we are not ignorant people when it comes to pets and animal care. We adopted Papi, from a local rescue, shortly after Tater-Tot passed away. We gave him a good home and we were under the impression that we were the first to adopt this rambunctious happy puppy who loved children and would thrive in our fast paced lifestyle.

Papi was trouble from the moment we brought him home. We were committed to him though and through his nipping, chewing, peeing puppy phase (did I mention when we got him we were told he was potty trained?), we gave him appropriate veterinary care, like anyone who adopts a pet should be prepared to do. We had him groomed regularly and he was treated with flea, tick, and heart-worm medication monthly. He was given a good life. We went to the dog park at least 3 times a week. He had severe anxiety- which seemed almost funny at times, but in a way it was sad because he really could not function like a normal dog. He scratched his face until he bleed, we took him to numerous vets, and eventually he was diagnosed with "facial puritis" (itching)-Big Surprise! LOL But we treated him with steroids, allergy tablets, antihistamines, anxiety medication, we spent an ungodly amount of money on special foods... for years! We even brought another dog into the home hoping it would help him- that is when we got our poodle rescue, "Jazzy-Bell". Needless to say the trouble with Papi only escalated... He started getting very aggressive, first he bit our wonderful vet, and the vet asked me has he ever bit before- I was shocked and responded with a "no", about three months later he bit me, which happened again three other times and peed on me (yes peed on me) more times than I can count. He peed on Troy, too. He bit Tony once. We could not have him in the house- not being aggressive- but I had NEVER gotten rid of an animal before- every dog I had growing up we kept until the dog was old and gray. My mom still has a 17 year old Labrador mix running around her farm, that I brought home in 5th grade.
Now, think what you will- but I considered asking the vet to put Papi to sleep- he was suffering physically (itching his face until he was bloody and his stress had gotten so bad he was having colitis attacks and bloody stool) and mentally (being a complete nut-case) I thought this was only fair to the dog- rather than have him go back to a rescue where he would be placed from foster family, adopted, and possibly sent back... Tony did not agree though. He wanted to keep Papi and try taking him to work with him... which worked for about a week. He would take Papi to work with him and bring him back in the evenings. I say this worked, but Papi had another colitis attack at was pooping all over Tony's office and causing chaos when he was home. This lasted a week... it was madness! I was cleaning poop out of this dog's nails so that he wouldn't infect his wounds on his head... madness!
We talked about sending him back to the rescue- my fear was that his "issues" would not be taken seriously and that he would be adopted out and then returned or mistreated and possibly abused. He is a difficult animal, with many health conditions, and it was costing us about $160 a month just to keep his medication filled and his food costs. Something had to give... Tony didn't want to have him put to sleep but I was just so unsure if the people at the rescue would represent him correctly and be an advocate for the real issues that the poor pup was facing- either way something was going to give, Papi was getting more and more aggressive- which was NOT going to work in a house with two small children.
About three weeks ago the kids were playing and Tony and I were in our room. Troy ran in and hugged Papi and he made the most horrible growl sound and I saw teeth and Troy's cheek pulling on the side... Papi had bit Troy on the face. Thank God it was NO worse than a small scratch and puncture wound... we easily could have been heading to the emergency room for stitches or it could have been Troy's eye and not his cheek. Papi was immediately put in his crate.
Once we knew Troy was ok, I went outside and called the rescue that he came from. It was 7:45pm on a Sunday night, if Tony and I weren't going to agree as to what to do with the dog fine.. but Papi could NOT stay in our house one more day. I called the rescue and they came and picked him up within an hour. We signed papers, Sophia made him a card... she tried to hug him goodbye but he pinned his ears back and I didn't want her to get that close to him. He jumped right in her car, he was happy to go with them. It was a roller coaster of emotions but I knew that we had done the best thing for our family- a woman at the dog park told me, "our dogs are part of our family but when children are involved a dog is a dog"
I spoke with the woman from the rescue one more time the following day and she told me that he was doing good... having some accidents and his tummy was upset but that he was doing good. (Didn't sound good to me- sounded like a colitis attack coming on- but I'll let her be positive). I was so upset- Tony suggested me not calling anymore... we had surrendered the dog, he was not ours anymore, and the phone calls were more upsetting than anything. I just wanted to know his needs and his issues would be addressed if he was going to be adopted. I even went to our vet and asked them to please note that we surrendered him because of aggression and biting issues. They said his records were already being sent to his new vet...
It was then I realized the papers I was asked to sign the night we surrendered him said that the dog had NOT bitten before... but that's why we were surrendering him? I was so conflicted- apparently when you put a dog for adoption and they have bitten it is harder to get them adopted and it puts a "stigma" on the animal... well, let me tell you that "stigma" is to protect the dog and the people that he will come in contact with.
Papi is not a bad dog, but he needs to be placed with the right family... a quieter environment with adults who have time and knowledge about aggression, I do think there is hope for him. His nervousness should not be confused for energy.. he should NOT be with children and he needs to be with people who are financially secure as his medical expenses fluctuate month to month (one month we spent $160 and the next $500).
Well- I haven't called the rescue for information about him... I did though check their website and apparently Papi has been adopted- they "advertised" him as a two year old (he is 4), who is a lovable dog, who is housebroken (ahh- not so much- especially during a colitis attack), no mention of his medical ailments or his past aggressiveness... nothing about him being placed in a home without children either.
I was sick to see this. I think rescues are capable of doing amazing things for animals who may not otherwise be offered a chance.. but this is exactly what I didn't want to happen. I hope the family who got Papi are everything I would have hoped for him but there is a level of truth that rescues need to uphold themselves too... and by withholding that Papi had bitten four people and that he does not do well with with children is a HUGE issue, not to mention his health expenses...
Needless to say, it has been a long and emotional three weeks- I am glad there is a peace in our home now that Papi is gone and I hope he finds all of the promise in his new home that I hoped for him. As for the rescue that we dealt with- I won't be dealing with them ever again and if someone asks my opinion I will refer them to this very blog.
As for "Jazzy Bell" she was sad for about two days- like the kids- then she fit right into the routine and has LOVED being an only dog. ;) She sleeps in our bed sometimes and rarely is put in her crate. We are really able to enjoy having a dog again and it's not such a stress... the kids can play and we don't worry that she will bite them... she's a good little dog!


  1. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about how the rescue chooses to handle this....but I think you guys did the right thing for your family. Hopefully Papi is now with a family who will discover all his issues and take care of him well.......

  2. Love your blog! What a beautiful family!! Follow me if you like :) Our Angel, Adams....
