Sunday, December 26, 2010

Wonderful Christmas Celebrations

We had a wonderful Christmas Holiday...
I start celebrating Christmas the day after Thanksgiving, putting up the tree and the lights. I love this holiday season!
About two weeks ago my grandma had us over to her house to see Santa. Apparently, "GiGi" is tight with the big guy and he comes through her neighborhood and brings toys for all the good girls and boys before things get really busy at the North Pole.

In true Florida fashion, Santa arrived on the back of a pickup truck and brought Sophia a Littlest Pet Shop car and three animals and he gave Troy a Fisher Price truck with a few little worker guys. It was very nice, except for the creepy elf that was following Santa who told me he'd like me to sit on his lap.... ewww!!! MEN!!!
My sister came in town the week before Christmas and she gave Tony and I our gift a few days before the chaos of Christmas began, a much needed date night. She took the kids to see the Yogi Bear in 3D movie while Tony and I went to Angelos (a little Italian restaurant where we had our engagement party, we haven't been there in a very long time, so that was a fun night out). Here's a pic of us on our way to dinner...

Christmas Eve we went to Tony's parents house for dinner and presents. His mom always does a formal and festive Christmas Eve Dinner for everyone. Here are a few pictures from Christmas Eve...

Once we got home Tony and I stayed up until close to 1am, putting together the doll house for Sophia. This doll house is a story all its own and you will be reading about it in the near future... but for now we will just leave it at that... we stayed up till 1am putting together the doll house... but Santa did arrive...

Oh- and the tooth fairy... Sophia lost her 1st tooth on Christmas Eve. She was out shopping with my sister and lost her tooth :) Sweet baby is growing up. The tooth fairy left Sophia a note and a 50 cent piece.
Not much sleep for the parents in the house... Sophia woke up close to 6am. She was so overwhelmed with Santa and the tooth fairy that she started to cry, we handled a small meltdown and then she was off to wake up Troy and open presents. Santa even brought JazzyBell a bone and a new food/water bowl.

Then 9am our family arrived for the 1st annual Christmas Morning Pajama Breakfast (which went so good, I am pretty sure we are going to do it again next year). Here are some pictures of that...
Mimosas anyone?

I love this of my sister, my mom and me (too bad my shirt was all wet from cooking)

Me and my Daddy

This is not even half of the food.. we had Strawberry French Toast Casserole, Peach French Toast Casserole, Sausage and Egg Casserole, Bacon, Cheesy Grits, Orange Christmas Tree Bread, Cookies, Rice Crispy Snowballs, Cinnamon Rolls, and fruit salad... yum...

Then some of us girls took off and hid in Sophia's room to relax.
Left to Right: Troy (not a girl!) Mimi (my mom), Auntie Lana (my sister, Sophia & Great Aunti Jo Jo (my mom's sister).

We spent the rest of the day relaxing, playing with toys, napping, and enjoying being together...

Somewhere in the mix (Christmas Eve night) Troy started running a fever... I was waiting to see what would happen but even tonight he is still running low grade so he will be going to the doctor tomorrow- he doesn't complain of being sick and has no symptoms that I can tell.. so we will see what the doctor has to say tomorrow.
Today was a lazy day.. we stayed indoors, the rainy and cold weather has arrived.. I did lots of crafting and got started on a project in Troy's room- pictures to come.
But as for Christmas- I love this holiday and I'm sad it is over...
2011 here we come!!!!

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