Friday, February 18, 2011


So, If you haven't noticed from my last two posts... I got a new cell phone and it takes video! :)

Troy has been slowly progressing with homeschooling. We have always worked out counting, colors, singing songs, lots and lots of playing. I really believe that children learn through play, so we play LOTS. We count race cars and group them by color, which ones are bigger, etc.
Sophia likes to color so discussing the difference in colors has been easy, let's color with red today, painting, markers, etc. Troy on the other hand has very little interest in coloring so I have to get creative and talk about colors in other ways.
Now- I know at 3 years old he knows his colors, when I say get the red car, blue car, green car, etc. He will always get the right one.
But when I hold up a color and ask him to tell me....
Red is Ironman, or Spiderman

Green is Hulk

Yellow is "Marine" AKA: Wolverine

Blue is blue, black is black, so I guess we are making process.. but come on Troy!

1 comment:

  1. Such a creative teaching technique, Holly!!! Love you, girl!!! :)
