Monday, April 27, 2009

Rainy Day Activites

Days that it rains.. it's like God's test to mothers.
Let's see how patient, kind, creative, and patient you can be today.
Did I say patient twice?
I don't know about you other stay at home mommies, but my children LOVE being outside. They spend about an hour and a half in the morning outside and about two hours in the afternoon playing outside. There is only so many things you can come up with to do in the house. My little darlings stand at the door crying on rainy days.
So it's up to super mom to come up with fun indoor activities for my outdoor darlings! There is only so much time that play-doh, crayons, paint, and blanket tents can fill...
Have you ever tried finger painting in chocolate pudding!?? So fun!
Only lasted about 10 minutes though.
What's next!?
Hurry, they are heading to the doors crying again!
Singing, "Rain Rain Go Away, Little Babies want to play, Rain Rain Go Away..."
Every second counts... keep singing... think, think, think...
A towel, 4 tupperware, 2 cups of water, wooden spoons, soup spoons, and about 15 seedless grapes.... oh fun!
And it lasted for 2 hours!!!!!
Just don't use all the grapes at once, add them gradually as those little children make them disappear ;)
Had to share with the other rained in angry housewives out there!

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