Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Josh Wilson came to our church!!

How cool is that!!!

This Sunday Josh Wilson blessed our church by leading worship and sharing his musical talent with us.

Music always reaches me... I'm sure it does that to many people. It gives me goosebumps, makes my heart ache, it connects the spiritual, the emotional, and the physical... it makes me feel the unseen.

A good worship service makes me cry and leaves me wanting to know more, learn more, be better.

Josh sang a few songs but there was one 'Before the Morning'.

He spoke about his friends and their son. They were told their child wouldn't live, that he would not survive a terrible heart condition. This "baby" is nine years old now.

I let Sophia and Troy sit in on worship service this Sunday and I held tight onto my little girl during this song.

The little girl who neurologists said may not learn to walk or talk because of the lack of oxygen to her developing brain because her seizures were so severe, the little girl who still baffles doctors with her abilities.

The five year old who walked through church that morning sporting her "grown up dress".

The one who says, "In heaven I won't have to take medicine that hurts my tummy and I won't have seizures."

Last week was a hard week for her... how I hate to see her struggle.. yet God uses her, and she continues, even in her struggle, to teach me, led me, being a reminder of what is really important and that in Christ we have hope.

My sweet girl who dares to believe, that we still have a reason to sing, because the pain can't compare to the joy that's coming...

Oh how you have blessed my life Sophia Ann, I thank God everyday for letting me be your Momma.

Everyday we have with you,
may not be easy,
we'll take the good and the bad....

I refuse to let your life, your hurt and your sucess be in vain. Your life is a testimony, you will do great things in this life sweet girl. You an inspiration to me, God is using you...

Life is not a snap shot, it may take a little time but you'll see the bigger picture, would you dare, would you dare to believe, that you've still got a reason to sing, 'cause the pain that you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that's coming, so hold on you gotta wait for the light, press on and just fight the good fight, cause the pain that you've been feeling, it's just the dark before the morning...

Here's the music video so you can watch the song I'm raving about...
may it be an inspiration to you as well, may you find joy in knowing it's just the dark before the morning...

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