Monday, October 24, 2011

not typical

A group of mothers scrambled to get lunches packed, children fed, dressed and in the car...

They made preparations to take their children out...

a field trip, to a farm...

Blue shirts scattered the lawn of the farm...

Parents wrangled children and followed instruction...

The farmer was able to share with the children things that most children don't get to experience...

He said it was because they followed instruction so well...

The mothers looked at one another and rolled their eyes...

At lunch he complimented their healthy meals...

The mothers looked around and giggled at the meals that most of them frantically tossed into the cooler, with love, while kid wrangling and running out the door...

When the tour of the farm was over the children ran full speed ahead to the giant sand hill...

The mothers followed behind carrying bags packed with cups and snacks and extra clothes...

They sighed and smiled at a successful field trip and a day well done...

The farmer complimented the children again, he said "they were so well behaved, not typical behavior"

He called us a great mommy group...

How proud was I to say, "we aren't a mommy group, we are home-schoolers"

Not typical...

I don't want to be typical...

despite their differences, the common thread between these moms...

we do not want our children to be typical...

The reason we do what we do...

Why we sacrifice...

Because we don't want our children to be typical...

Extraordinary... Representing our God... Respectful... Kind... and atypical..

that's what I want for my kids.

So proud of Potter's Clay Co-op Today! You kids are amazing!

I hope you parents realize what a wonderful compliment our children's behavior was to us- to our parenting today...

Next time you have a 'pull your hair out- send the kids to school- kind of day'... remember this day and know you are doing a great job!!

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