Tuesday, October 4, 2011

confession time...

Yep, it's that time again...
This morning began like a whirlwind... we all have mornings like that.
I have learned since having children, when a mother says, "It's been a crazy morning"... it's really been nuts.
On Tuesdays we have homeschool co-op, I try to get up about 7am, get myself dressed, coffee, lunches packed, then get the kids up. I try to leave the house about 9am so we can stop by Office Max to make copies of history worksheets for the elementary students.
This morning, I woke up at 8:10... not on time.
Troy and Sophia dragged in, not in good moods, apparently I was "moving too fast" for them. I plopped them in from of the life-sucker (television) so I could get ready.
I gave them frozen waffles and got them dressed.
I had planned to make an important phone call before they woke up and that was not working out this morning. This was one of those must dos... and it was turning into a cannot do...
I needed a quiet place to make this phone call and it was not working out...
So where does a mom go when she needs peace and quiet?
I'd say the bathroom, but no, they follow me in there...
I hid...
hid in the kid's closet...
as I stood there among the clothes, hoping they wouldn't find me, I prayed,
"God please let this day get better, let me make it through this day, Amen"
I get off the phone and go to find the kids,
and out the door...
Where was Sophia!? In the playroom closet...
doing what?
"God please help us have a good day"
I scoop her up, assure her this is going to be a good day and sometimes things don't happen like we plan them but it's no biggie.
She rushes off to get her shoes... never having been so helpful.
Where was Troy?
in the backyard, on the trampoline... soaking wet from the sprinklers that had drenched the trampoline.
Really God!?
I drag him in, fussing at him to go take off those wet clothes.
I go get him dry clothes, dress him again....
I forgot about the dog.
I get the dog, take her to potty, feed her...
Now, get the kids, shoes, lunches and out the door (let's try this again)
Did I mention it was 9:08...
Troy Anthony... just guess, he was...
on the trampoline...
I yell out the door, "you better get in here and pray your clothes aren't wet!"
I feel my heart in my ears...
TROY ANTHONY!! Soaked again and now I'm late.. or going to be...
I find him new clothes and warn him if he goes outside and gets his clothes wet one more time we will stay home and he won't jump on the trampoline for a week... I may have threatened to send him to live with his Great Grandma too... but either way... I was serious.
So, we get to Office Max... guess what... the copier is down...
and do you think anyone is there to help me?
Nope, all the employees were outside on their smoke break... really standing around outside smoking...
so it was me, Sophia and Troy vs. the copy machine.
We got out of there at 9:36... not making good time... did I mention I hate being late.
We got there just in time.
The chaos from the morning was fading and we were right where we needed to be.
Sophia was sitting with her friends, showing off her new red purse that her "Aunt Nonnie" (Tony's mom) gave her.
Troy sat on my lap.
The director asked if anyone had a prayer request?
Troy raised his hand... "pray for my mommmy, that her won't be angry with me"
My heart melted, I sank in my seat, kissed my boy his curly head...
momma isn't mad at you baby
How can you be mad at that?
Did I want to get out the door on time?
Did I want him to listen?
Did I wish I had woke up earlier?
Yes, but did any of that really matter?
Nope... not one bit.
We were together, fed, clean, happy, healthy and sitting in our church getting ready to fellowship with some great families...
So, no, that morning all of the madness really didn't matter one bit.
I didn't need to pray that God would help us have a good day...
I needed to pray that God would help me see the good in this day and recognize that everyday is a gift.
So- I did just that...
and you know what, it really was a great day.
Did I mention today is my daddy's birthday :) Tomorrow I'm taking him out to lunch to celebrate.

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