Thursday, October 6, 2011

we do not like bugs

We do not like bugs...
No lizards, no frogs, no spiders, nada...
nothing that crawls, creeps and wiggles needs to be in this house...
except the children of course.
It was a nice morning at home...
no where to go...
a little bit of school work to be done by the monsters...
but other than that, nothing to do except a heaping pile of laundry...
and the monsters were playing nicely building gardens in the living room...
when the dog brings me a gift...
she runs in merrily and drops a palmetto bug by my foot...
had it not startled me I may not have screamed...
but I did.
The kids came running in...
Troy suggested I get a gun...
Sophia suggested calling Daddy so he could get his gun...
but I thought I would just use tissue and toss it in the toilet...
as I bent down to pick it up...
little eyes admiring my bravery...
the bug sprung to life and popped up like a corn kernel on a hot skillet...
AHHHH! We all went running...
I peaked by in the room...
there it lay lifeless...
I thought for a moment we all imagined it...
I mean, clearly it was dead...
I decided it may be better to not get so close...
Troy brought me his plastic garden shovel...
perfect, it's about 3 foot long so I wouldn't have to get close to the creature who very well might be playing possum
I took a deep breath,
Sophia said "be brave mommy, we are right here"...
as she hid behind a towel I had folded on the table...
Troy said, "you can do it mommy, you so strong"
"Of course I am, just stay close" I'm always more confident, or rather I can fake it better if I know they are watching me...
I scoop the bug onto the end of the shovel...
It begins to wiggle...
I was totally prepared to toss the shovel and the bug back into the room and slam the door and wait until Tony got home to deal with the creature...
I make it to the bathroom and drop it into the potty...
Troy and Sophia cheer!
Yah! Mommy!!
Troy pats me on the back and says, "you can do all things with God you makes you strong mommy"
Thank you Troy! :)
Troy proudly flushed the bug and we all went back to our morning...
did I mention that we don't like bugs?

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