Thursday, August 14, 2008


*I noticed my #6 hate was "people who manipulate others for their own selfish will" -oh, I should have put "when people manipulate others for their own selfish will"- I should be more conscious about that. So often I feel that I hate the person, but it's not the person it's their action that I hate. Note to self: Hate action, not person! 8/19/08

Hate is such a strong word. I was never allowed to say I hated anyone or anything when I was a child. I remember my mom felt very strong about that when I was a kid. She would always correct me whenever I said "I hate..." my devotional today was about the word hate. Hate is defined as an intense hostility or extreme dislike. The question was asked what things to do you hate? what things do you avoid at all costs? Sometimes things we hate can be formed from past experiences and sometimes they are just something we feel so strong about. Take a moment and come up with a list of things you hate, things that you extremly dislike. Feel free to share if you'd like. An interesting topic and something thought provoking questions. The devotional says that everyone hates something and even the all loving God hates somethings...
"There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to Him:
haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
a false witness who pours out lies
and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers."
-Proverbs 6:16-19
Powerful words! I defiantly don't want to hold any characteristics that the Lord hates. I don't want to be on the receiving end of that! One thing that is common in this list, and is pointed out in my devotional, is that the list includes sins that particularly are harmful to others. Being that we are God's special creation, His children, He is sensitive to sins that cause grief for his babies (us!). In the list of things that God "hates"... he is protecting us. If we hate what he hates we will be protecting ourselves and one another. Also, notice that "the first six sins place emphasis on the seventh. It is bad for you to sin, but it is "detestable" to start a chain reaction- causing other's to sin too." WOW!! I know I don't want to be detestable to God... I don't want those characteristics in my home. I want to hate the same things that God hates. Think my mom would be OK with that!? :)
Hope this creates opportunity for thought. I know it did for me.

Other than the same as God's hates....
The six things I hate and one thing I detest.... (some are serious and some are silly but things I hate!)
1. seizures (think past experience has caused this... )
2. crimes against children and others who can't defend themselves
3. addictions; drugs, alcohol, gambling, pornography... anything really that controls people really...
4. illness; cancer, epilepsy, Leigh's Disease... the list goes on...
5. lizards- defiantly a past experience-don't ask ;)
6. people who manipulate others for their own selfish will
7. birds -this topic deserves a blog of it's own

Feel free to share you list if you want....


  1. wow, my spellin' is horrible in that comment! Oops:)

  2. I was thinking about this all night and I came up with a list, but then I realized that I am guilty of some of the things I put on that list. It was very, very eye opening.

    My list:
    1. Leigh's Disease
    2. Wasps (it only took one sting)
    3. people who controle and manipulate
    4. alcoholism
    5. passing judment on others (I dislike this, but realize I am guilty of it at times, I'm going to start working on that in myself)
    6. pity
    That's as far as I got.
