Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sharing some smiles

*Yesterday I was cooking dinner for the kids and I was a hot mess with my hair in a bun on the top of my head all frazzled. Sophia was sitting in her high chair watching me. (Note:Meat Ball = Eat Ball) I guess she noticed my hair and she says, "Mommy you have an Eat Ball on your head!"

*Conversation between Sophia and I the other night.
"Sophi do you know where Aaron (my sister's boyfriend) lives?" I figured she thought Aaron lives with my mom since that is the only place she sees him. Sure enough...
"He lives with Mimi" she says.
I proceed to tell her that he lives in his own house, he just visits Mimi's house a lot.
"Do you know where Aunt Lana lives?" -She lives with my mom... (Note:We are working on our pronouns)
Sophia says, "Well, her's is an ant. Her lives in an ant hole."

*Last night Tony and I were talking about when Sophia was a little bit younger, I was pregnant with Troy-
She ate a hair clippy. She was at the hospital in Xray laying on the table getting an abdominal Xray and my mom (who was with her because I was preggo and couldn't go back into Xray) my mom asks her Sophi do you know why you are here?
Sophia says, "Yes, I eat clippy sandwich."

That's all I can think for now...
Hope that gives some smiles.

1 comment:

  1. =) =) =).... I loved that! Thank you my friend, for sharing such sweet, happy stories about your sweets! Speaking of working on pronouns ... we intentionally talk funny in this house. It's a horrible habit that we need to break before Bambi really starts talking, but for now ... "hers is sleepy!" I say that to Garbear all the time, so your Sophia saying "...hers lives in an ant hole!" is the sweetest thing I've read in a really long time.
    Hope you guys are staying dry for the time being!
