Thursday, August 14, 2008

Troy and his lovey

I am on a roll today. Lots of writing that I wanted to catch up on. I am getting the chance with all this rain we have been getting today.

These pictures were taken in July. Troy will fall asleep anywhere as long as he has his blanket. Sophia calls it his "bwankwet."

Troy has had this blanket since he was about 3 months old. I was shopping in JC Penny and he was so cranky. I walked to the baby section and saw this blue blanket on sale, it was so soft. Troy had plenty of blankets, as it was my major concern having a boy that I didn't want him to use any of his sister's pink blankets, running joke at my shower and I got a ton of blue blankets... but not one like this. It is sooo soft. So I grabbed it, opened it, covered my cranky baby with it and went to the check out with the tag in hand. He was comfortable with it as I finished my shopping.
Troy was never a great sleeper. I would try everything and anything to get him to sleep more than two hours at a time. If you had a non sleeper you may recall the routines that become almost ritualistic. I remember feeding him, holding him in front of the rocking chair for five seconds then taking ten rocking steps towards the crib, holding him for another thirty seconds patting his back while rocking side to side before laying him down. I swore that when I did it perfectly he would sleep and only wake every three hours. Probably didn't happen that way but I was convinced that it helped.
It took a couple weeks but I realized when I was swaddling him in this blue blanket he would sleep better. I thought it was the pajamas. :) Anyway, once I realized the magic in the blanket it was used every night. At 9 months old he still loves me to swaddle him in this blanket. When he is cranky I give it to him and he holds it up and rubs his face into the blanket. He even sucks it like a pacifier. He loves it! It's his lovey.
A couple nights ago I put the blanket on his floor so that I could swaddle him. I walked to close his window curtains and when I turned around he was laying on the blanket looking at me smiling, waiting for me to swaddle him. He has done this every night since. Tonight, I laid the blanket out for him and he crawled over and lay on it waiting for me to swaddle him. He rubbed his face on the blanet and just lay there waiting. It's so cute! Something I don't want to forget.. that's why you are reading it! :)
Good Night!


  1. Oh, so very sweet!! Boys have such a special sweetness. Girls do to but it is soo different, although just as special. I love the pictures. He is soo stinkin cute!! Landon has a blue blanky too. My mom crocheted it for him and he has used it since birth. I sleep with it every night!!

  2. Boys, beautiful boys! Garbear had a "nighny" blanket, still does! It's a very soft, snuggly blanket that has a "blue jean teddy" on it. When I was working, I would take him to my mom's or grandma's (we had a schedule!) and before I would leave, he would wrap his nighny around me. When he would do this, it would pick up the scent of my perfume, and then he would wrap it around himself, as though he was wrapped in my arms.
    I'm sure Troy will have the same kind of healthy attachment to both his lovey and his mommy! What sweet pictures ... I love little boys!
