Thursday, August 14, 2008


We have been so busy this week. School starts next week and the kids are going to be going two days per week in the mornings to give me a break. I am excited and nervous. Sophia is going on her third year now and I know she loves going to play with the other kids. Last year she went full days, this year since Troy is going to tag along I only want him going half days and I can't pick just one of them up and leave the other so they will being going half days together. Sophia is going to try dance classes again. She really loves dance, as you probably have seen the pictures, last time she was supposed to start she had an emotional breakdown and refused to go inside... the people weren't the most encouraging either though. It was a one month summer program for little kids and I don't think the instructor was thrilled about teaching it anyway. It was probably best that we didn't go, I don't want her first time in dance to be with a grouchy sourpuss teacher. She is signed up to start in September with a really nice lady named Mrs. Valerie. We got to go and meet Mrs. Valerie and she was so good with Sophia. Very kind, soft spoken, she got on Sophia's level and interacted well with her. That is so important with children, to get on their level. Imagine being their size in this world of giants... intimidating to meet new people, when you get onto their level it takes the intimidation factor away a bit and they are able to connect better face to face. Sophia warmed right up to her and she says she can't wait to go back and dance in the big mirror. :) Sophia's buddy, Madeline, the little girl next door, came over and brought Sophia her old tap shoes... oh that has been fun! My little tap dancer has been swirling around our house in those shoes ever since. She even asked to sleep in them. She was out on the patio yesterday standing on the top of her slide, wearing jean shorts, a pink tutu, and a pink shirt, with her tap shoes on singing something about being a princess trapped with pirates waiting for Tater Tot (our dog) to come rescue her. What am imagination!?
We are also signed up for "little kickers" soccer. A soccer program for three and four year olds on Saturday mornings for a 20 minute practice and a 20 minute game. It should be fun and I am sure she will take a great nap after that! We have so much coming up. I love being busy with the kids. My children are not happy to just be. A mistake I made early on with Sophia. Her first word was "go". Most mornings she wakes up asking me "where are we going today?" "put me in the carseat, let's go". Troy has followed suit... I am working on getting them to enjoy peaceful days at home but any more than two in a row we all start going a little batty. They get it from me I know, but I do wish that they were a little more content at home. I occasionally enjoy down time and I know that they need it, even if they don't like it. I don't think we have spent a full day home in over two weeks. We usually get out in the morning or/and afternoon but come home for lunch and naps. They are on a good schedule but love going out.
We are supposed to have some rainy weather the next couple days. I was getting nervous just hearing the weather forecast last night. Sophia and Troy probably spend 80% of the day outside. Playing on our patio, on the trampoline, kicking the ball in the front yard, sidewalk chalk, riding in the Barbie jeep, walking to the swings, feeding the fish- really we are rarely inside. Sophia is miserable when she is cooped up and I am seeing the same traits in Troy now that he is getting bigger. Troy will sit by the door and wave to me now, like he is just going to get up and leave us. Whenever a door is opened in our house they both come running. Don't get me wrong they do play well in their playroom but they don't last long. This morning the weather looked fairly decent so I took advantage and got them out. After breakfast I asked, who wants to go to the fruit stand? Sophia squealed for joy and Troy heard the word "go" and took off the the laundry room (our way out of the house). The fruit stand is very close to our house, maybe all of two miles, we drove over and Sophia sat on the rocking chairs outside the stand while we got some honey, pickled okra, and corn on the cob. The "fruit man" as Sophia so fondly calls him, just gave me the corn saying he thought it might be dry. We came home and boiled it with a bit of splenda and it was great! Thank you "fruit man". The people their enjoy seeing the kids. They gave Sophia a "yiddy pop" (lolly pop) and after stopping for a treat at the bakery.. we got home just in time for the rain. All before 10am... early risers. :) Troy stood at the window hitting it and fussing while it rained. He was cranky this morning.. he has his two bottom teeth and one top tooth and I saw the other top tooth is poking through now. He is taking about ten steps at a time now. He can walk from one end of Sophia's room to the other. When he gets a good rhythm going Sophia always acknowledges him, "Good Job Bruder". He claps back at her. It's his silent speech. It's so cute. He does say "Mum" "Dada" "Bye Bye" and believe it or not "Issy" which I think he is trying to say sissy... he holds his arms up to her "Issy, Issy". He really adores her. When she leaves a room he comes after her hollering. They are two peas in a pod. They do bicker quite a bit now, as Troy isn't content anymore letting her be the boss.. he digs his heels in and lets her have it now. I told her someday he'd be big enough to fight back. They get into yelling matches now seeing who can be the loudest. My crazy, wonderful kids!
Well, I have rambled through a good portion of their nap time. I should go and mop the kitchen... this gloomy day, maybe pajamas and a nap would be nice. Hope everyone is having a good week. :)

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