Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Definition of a break

A break is not going to the grocery store with no kids. The grocery store is a chore for us mommies. Yes, it is incredibly nice to not have to grocery shop with children but in no way does this constitute as a break or time off, this is still work, with or without children. A break is not a 15 minute trip to Walgreens without children. Yes, I get to listen to my ipod instead of the Backyardigans but in no way does that 15 minutes mean I've gone on a luxury trip to Walgreens. So when I get back you cannot complain about how long I've been gone or what you've had to deal with while I was gone - I deal with it all day. -The kids don't mysteriously become screaming indians when you walk in the door, they've been like that ALL day long. Just because I offer to go to the store and buy milk for the baby at 10pm does not it mean I am leaving for rest and relaxation... I just want 10 minutes alone. Most times I leave the house I am leaving with a diaper bag and two kids in tow. Me leaving at 10pm to go buy milk is not a break!

A break -
is a morning at the spa; manicure, pedicure, hair, and a facial, shopping for a cute little dress and new heels, then dinner and cocktails with friends. This day will involve no phone calls from the husband, who is home with the kids. No calls asking, where the bottles are, what time the kids nap, where the clean underwear is or when I will be back. The only acceptable phone call on this day is a call around noon to tell us that the children are fed and happily napping in their beds, everyone is well, love you honey, hope you are having a wonderful day and I'll see you soon. Wouldn't that be nice?

Oh, and coming home to a clean house and clean children.. you might just get some. ;) ooooohhhhhh....

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