Tuesday, January 27, 2009

husbands and quiet

Now, I know I am not the only one who has a loud husband.
But doesn't it seem like they get even louder when the children are sleeping?
All mommies know, never wake a sleeping baby, but daddies?
I don't think they know.
I can walk through a baby gate and never make a peep. "M" can walk through the same gate and it sounds like it's 100 years old and a bull just tried to push through it. I can put away dishes in the kitchen while the kids are sleeping and you'd never her a dish click. "M" can't even shut a cabinet without a bang. Walking up and down the stairs... he is soo heavy footed. I try not to fuss at him to much but my goodness. He is so loud! I don't think he knows what quiet means.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN Sister! I can't wait to read the rest of your blog - this is hilariously true. For the wife as myself, who doesn't have the grace to write such truths - thank you for doing it for me! I feel like I've vented without saying one flipping thing =)
