Friday, January 23, 2009


I really don't know if I can live with this child for another 18 years. Tonight she was full of piss and vinegar. I put her in time out tonight for talking back and being disrespectful. I sit her on the bottom step of the stairs and tell her that she has to sit for 3 minutes. I walk back into the kitchen. Tony and Troy were upstairs. Sophia sitting on the bottom step starts screaming at the top of her lungs, "I CAN'T BREATHE! I CAN'T BREATHE!" Pulling her pajama shirt, screaming... I stood there for a moment concerned that something was wrong. Then I realized she is fine and just having a tantrum. She takes the tantrum to a whole new level. She was screaming "Daddy, Daddy, I can't breathe" He comes to the catwalk and tells her to calm down and he will talk to her when she is done with her timeout. "I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!" She screams. She continued the whole three minutes. I went to her and asked her why she had to sit in timeout. She said "I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU DO THIS TOO ME!?"
I respond, "When you figure it out let me know and then you can get up."
"OK OK", she says, "because I wasn't talking nice when I asked for my cup."
Oh, this child takes the drama to a whole new level.
I called my mom and told her. She says "I think we should call someone" -I'm thinking, yes the crazy house. She says "no some kind of acting coach, that child could make us rich." HAHAHA!! I don't know what's more funny, that mom said that or that I thought she really meant the crazy house. :)


  1. Oh My! She is full of it! Good luck with her girlie, you're going to need it.

  2. Tee-hee. I know I shouldn't be laughing but the way you've written it - Holly that's hilarious! I can't breathe! 'Minds me of someone I know ... not my little Sophia either, could it be her mommy? Sounds just like me when I was a little tike -- D R A M A!!
    Love to you all, I've been a serious slacker lately. My laptop is still not up and running (it would help if I would take the time to get the new charger, right?)
