Monday, June 23, 2008

about last nights episode-

Simple Partial seizures are another type of seizure that can affect behavior. People who have simple partial seizures stay awake and aware but may hear, see, smell, or taste things that aren't real. They may also suddenly feel afraid, angry, happy or sad for no reason. They may become confused or experience jerking or tingling in an arm or leg.

Running this morning I'll write more later....


  1. Holly,

    Thanks so much for sharing your life with me through your blog. It helps so much to hear your authentic emotions...somehow it helps me know better how to pray for you and Sophi. She is precious. I'm sure it must be frustrating and hurtful to know that sometimes people do not understand and may even misunderstand Sophi's seizures, but you are doing such a great thing by explaining things on this blog.
    I just want you to know that you are in my prayers and I love you!

  2. Holly,

    Definitely praying for you guys today with all you are facing. May our Father hold you in His loving arms and give you unexplainable peace and comfort!!!


  3. Holly,

    Prayers have been spoken for Sophi, and mommy and daddy, about the latest seizure and Dr. wisdom today. May our Father keep you all strong and in His loving arms.

