Friday, June 13, 2008

A special Father's Day.

It will be a special Father's Day for us. My Grandaddy had surgery almost two weeks ago and he is home and doing good. He is an amazing man. He and my Grammie left their home to come live with us, when my parents divorced when I was a child. They are great people who sacrificed a lot to help raise my sister and I. Grandaddy is very important to our family and we are glad to have him with us. Our family has a lot to be thankful for while we honor our daddies on Sunday.
Sophia calls lightening "boom booms". Florida is famous for thunder storms in the summer time. Today the kids were taking a nap and were rudely awakened by some loud "boom booms". They both woke up crying from the thunder and lightening. I have never seen Troy so scared. Sophi calmed down pretty quick and tried calming Troy down. She was saying "Shhh.. Bruder, it's ok, Sissy's here now... it's ok..." She is so sweet to him. She really is the little mommy in the house.

Troy finished his ISR swimming today. He did an awesome job! At 7 months old he is able to bring himself to the surface of a pool and float on his back. It was worth all the money and the time. Congratulations Troy!!

I got Tony a beautiful fine art picture of the children drawn by a local artist. It is amazing how he was able to capture every detail of our babies. It is beautiful. I think I may like it more than Tony! :) We are going to visit my parents on Sunday after church, it should be a fun family day.

Wishing everyone a blessed Father's Day.


  1. What a super special father's day! Sounds like you and you sister were very lucky to have your grandparents around when you were growing up. My parents divorced when I was very young, and although my grandparents weren't able to be as close, they were HUGE cornerstones in our lives, HUGE! I have since lost both my dad and my grandmother. But I was very lucky to find a "new" daddy whom I chose to adopt.
    Yaaaay for Troy! That's a huge accomplishment for such a little bug! Well, it will be nice to know that he'll enjoy swimming so he can lure his sister into the pool once in a while ;) -- especially if she continues to comfort him so well after the boom-booms! Cute, very cute.
    Your choice of a Father's Day gift sounds perfect! It's nice to give dad things that he'll cherish, and that's definitely what he'll do with the painting. I thought I'd do something fun this year, so I ordered him a new Tommy Bahama shirt. He loves these shirts, and he needed a new, not so colorful, one!
    I hope you guys & dolls have an extra superfantabulous weekend! Happy Father's Day to your Hubby.
    Hugs & Blessings.

  2. p.s. I'm happy to hear that your granddaddy's surgery went well.
