Sunday, June 8, 2008

An Amazing Day

Tony and I got a much needed break today.
My mom and dad came over and double-teamed Sophia and Troy so Tony and I could go to a theme park. We had so much fun. I felt like we were dating again. We love roller coasters and theme parks. I had forgotten how much fun we could have when it was just the two of us. We (especially me) get so caught up in the everyday... the kids, the house, swim lessons, doctor visits, groceries, cooking, cleaning. We went to the theme park, then we went to see Iron Man before coming home. I called and checked on the kids a couple times (which I hate doing- I am always afraid that if I call I will hear someone crying and I'll want to come get them- if I call and they are crying- don't answer, just call me back). Each time I called they were napping, or laughing, or singing... it made the day so enjoyable. We got home about 5; they had been bathed, fed, and everyone was so happy. It couldn't have been any better! Thanks Mimi and Grandaddy for loving our babies as much as we do!


  1. While I missed you at church, I'm glad you guys got to get away and have a fun "date." I also wanted to say that I've now read through this whole blog and caught up. You are a great writer and I'm sure your stories will help another parent, whether their kids have seizures or not. Miss and Love you!

  2. Good for you guys! We love our alone time, we miss our kiddos - but you have to nurture eachother and the marriage first.
    When you find a bit of time, will you blog the type of epilepsy that Sophia has? I'm pretty naive about the different types, if there are any. And how old is Troy? My Sophia just turned one and she's still NOT crawling - I'm curious to know how old he is and getting around to follow his Sophia!
    Blessings to you all!
