Thursday, June 19, 2008

I should be sleeping...

but I am typing. I don't know why. I don't really have anything to write about. We went to the park today with the kids. Tony has been home from work this week so we have been able to spend a lot of family time. It is different with him home though. I always say.. we are like sissors, always moving in opposite directions yet always connected. I told him Tuesday that I have to get used to him being home because he is on my turf. The house is my turf. Tony has a very demanding job and is gone the majority of the day. He leaves as the kids are getting up and he comes home usually during bath time before bed. We have a schedule and adding a Daddy to the mix changes things. I am a stickler for schedules though. Ask anyone... well, if you have ever met me you probably already know this. My sister in law, Denise, says I am anal. But, I think organized... ok, anal. My pantry is labeled... the kids drawers are labeled... and no I don't have time to be labeling, but I still do it. I grew up in a house that was always clean yet never organized and although I have my share of 'treasure drawers' (some would call them junk drawers) in our house I am still very organized and scheduled! It has been nice though, having another adult in the house. Just as I am getting used to him being home he is going to have to go back to work. You know he does things so different than me. He lets Sophia run around in panties and a tshirt when I make sure to get her dressed after her nap, why though?? She was just in the house playing with her toys. Does it really matter?? I guess not but... ok ok.. anal, I know! Not that his way is wrong, mine is just better ;)j/k Men- they are so different! Who gets 'em! Well, I guess I really didn't have anything to type tonight. I am contemplative tonight- I have alot in my mind and I don't have the words to get it out. I thought if I typed maybe the words would come to me... but they aren't. I watched a movie tonight that really made me think about trust and faith in the Lord, how God doesn't have a Plan B, and.... I wish I could put it to words but maybe tomorrow. Good Night!


  1. that sounds like an interesting movie you were watching...

    just wanted to let you know i stopped by...and fell in love with your little angel...

    God bless you.

  2. Wow, Angie Smith left you a comment - lucky girl - and a Blessing, too! I love her blog, I don't know that I've ever cried so hard over reading something.

    So, in reading your post this morning, I gotta say I'm with you! I have always thought that schedules are very comforting to little ones - they always know what to expect and when. I've learned that Daddy's have their own way, and it's hard for me, but I let him do things his way. It's good for our relationship to show him I trust him with our children and it's good for the kids to have a more "laid back" approach once in a while. Very hard to let go of those reins, though, I bite my tongue so much it bleeds!

    And the organization -- Key to running a smooth household! If everyone knows where everything lives, life is easier. I, personally, go a little cuckoo if my house isn't organized or if it gets cluttered. I can't think if there's too much stuff out of place. So, when Matt's home, I'm usually just walking behind he & the kids and picking things up, rinsing dishes, wiping counters, etc. I totally understand and empathize with anal retentive - they say it comes from how we were potty trained. Notice now, that usually women are much more anal than men...hmmmmm.
    Hope you guys have a great weekend!
    Hugs, laughter & Blessings!
