Monday, June 16, 2008

Always There

Sophia fell Friday evening, off a chair in the dining room. She cried and cried when it happened. After a bit she calmed down and watched a movie before going to sleep. Saturday she complained off and on. It seemed to everyone else that I was over reacting and she just bruised it, but I knew something was wrong (mother's intuition). Sunday, I had enough, I told Tony to take her for an x ray and we found out this morning that she has a small fracture in the socket of her elbow. She will be fine, but no trampoline or playground for two weeks or so. When Sophia fell, she was fussing and crying... I couldn't stop the pain, but I did everything I knew to help her feel better. I got her cup, her favorite stuffed animal, her blanket, everything I could think of. I am sure you have been there with an inconsolable child. She didn't notice that I was taking care of her because of the pain in her arm. She would look at me and scream, turn her head to the side so that she didn't look at me. It was so frustrating, I just wanted to take care of her, but she was in pain and nothing I did seemed to make her feel better... In my frustration, God made something so clear to me... sometimes when our pain is too much we ignore God. The same way that I was trying to take care of her every need, God takes care of us.
Our Father always knows our needs, even if we don't. He takes care of us and carries us through difficult times, yet sometimes we don't even notice He is there. We are His inconsolable children, not noticing Him, turning our heads and not letting Him help us. I remember crying out for God many times, yet not noticing until much later that He was there all along. I am sorry that I ignored you Lord.
I wanted to share this because I felt so convicted by these thoughts. I don't know if you have ever been hurting so bad and wondered where God was but He is with you. Open your heart and you will feel His presence. Let Him be the Daddy, let Him hold you, let Him fulfill your needs, He is there and waiting for you to reach for Him.
Like Casting Crowns lyrics from Praise You In This Storm say... "Every tear I've cried you hold in your hand, you never left my side... " He has never left our side.


  1. That's AWFUL!! I am so, so sorry that happened to both of you. I know all too well, Garrett (when he was 4)fractured his tibia in 3 places the first time we put him on skis. And Holly, I knew it from the moment I woke up that day, something wasn't right. Matt kept telling me, everything's fine - you're just being a nervous ninny. Ugh, I am so sorry.

    You are right about God being right there; right here; right wherever we are - in the deepest of pain and sorrow, when we feel so alone, He's right there. He's usually carrying us, because I know there's NO WAY I could have gotten through some of the things I look back on, without Him. And even though I was upset at Him for whatever the circumstance was; whether it was illness or the death of a loved one, He was still carrying me while I pouted in His arms, my back turned to him, arms crossed, frowney face and all. And I have been super upset at Him a few times, but I know that He understood.

    My Prayers for Sophia's complete healing. Holly, will you email me so I can see about sending Sophia cards? I know that Garrett got cards everyday - and it brightened up his face, everytime! My email is:
    Hugs & Blesssings & kisses on the owie, too!

  2. Holly! You're tagged! Go to my blog, copy the questions under my heading, TAG - You're It... and fill them out! It's so silly, but, it's fun.
    Hope you guys are having a great day and I hope Sophia's elbow isn't causing her too much pain. Is she splinted? Bless her heart - tell her we send lots of kisses for her elbow!
