Thursday, September 18, 2008

Episode on Monday afternoon

Typing so I don't forget so I can tell the doc, when we see them next time.
"Episodes" that's what I am calling them these days. I don't even know if they are seizures... I am sure it is some type of neurological activity but I just don't know. So many different types of seizures... some seizures we still don't realize they are seizures... so episode is a better word for me, still.
Monday the kids went to school and had a great day. They came home and I gave them their baths, "disinfected" them and they took naps. When Sophia got up she was fine for about 20 minutes. Then she said she had to go potty. I took her to the bathroom and when she was done.. almost instantly she got glassy eyes, not fixated, just glazed over and she started mumbling. It was hard to understand her and she didn't make much sense. Similar things have happened before. She was afraid. When this has happened in the past it is always a fearful response. She said that she was scared and wanted her daddy. She kept slurring her speech but it was clear enough to make out her words. She was saying something about being scared of fire, Jack Be Nibble, and wanting her daddy. She stayed close to me as I was cleaning the kitchen. Troy was eating a snack in his highchair. She sat on the floor by my feet. We called Tony and she cried saying she wanted him to come home. She told me she was scared of Jack Be Nibble, I know she knows the nursery rhyme. I assume the fire was the candlestick from the rhyme? I was telling her that it was just a rhyme. It wasn't consoling her, but it made me feel better. I got her to lay on the couch. About 30 minutes after it began, as quickly as it happened, it stopped. She sat up and in her normal voice with her normal sweet brown eyes she said "I feel all better now mommy."
I wish there was a better explanation for all of this. We will go to a new neurologist within the next few weeks for a second opinion. During all of this I called our neurologist's office, I spoke with the nurse who said "it doesn't sound like a medical emergency, just document it and tell the doctor when you come in next time". Well, I know it wasn't life and death- but my initial response was; let's bring her in and see what her brain is doing. I guess it doesn't work the way we want it to. Don't want to forget this one though. My sweet girl. She doesn't let it get her down... she doesn't even seem to remember it. We went out to dinner that night and she chowed down on cinnamon-sugar pretzel bites from Pretzel Maker on the way home. <3


  1. Ugh, Holly, I'm so sorry Sophia had to go through that! I think it's great that you journaled it, when Marie was inpatient at Children's I used our blog to write things down to remember what the doctor had told me and what I wanted to ask.

    I hope they get some answers for you (praying no more EEGs!).

    Poor baby, but like you said, she is so tough!

    We'll be thinking of and praying for you guys!

  2. That just sounds so scary - for her to be so frightened and mumbling things about Jack be Nibble (the nibble part is very cute, though!)
    Good Mama, documenting is very important. Somehow when we get to the doctor's office, my mind always goes blank - duh! So, kudos to you.
    Thinking about you all, and Praying for you. Give those kiddos big ol' smackers on their foreheads from me! XOXO
