Friday, September 5, 2008

This Crazy Week... update

It has really felt like this week was never going to end.
Tuesday night was ballet.. and what fun that was. Sophia was such a little peanut. She was a head shorter than the next smallest girl. She was so good. She listened to her dance teacher. She was so obedient, so excited, and had soo much fun. She really surprised me. Sadly, something is up with my camera and I can't upload the pictures!! I don't know what's going on but the pictures are precious and worth a thousand words. Troy on the other hand did not enjoy 'ballerina school'. He fussed and I had to take him outside a couple of times so he could walk around. I am going to have to try and not bring him next time, I felt like I missed a lot of her class because I was busy chasing Troy. I wish Tony didn't work such long hours. It would be so nice to go to dinner together and then take her to ballet together. Oh well, nice dreaming.. I am thankful for his job though.
Troy started getting asthmatic on Tuesday night, Wednesday he seemed fine but then had a hard time as the evening came. Thursday he did good again. He got a bit wheezy last night but it didn't last long. I hope he doesn't have problems with it this year. Last year it seemed like breathing treatment after breathing treatment. Tuesday, Wednesday, and part of Thursday, he was irritable and wasn't able to rest much from his medicine but he popped back and is having a great Friday. He slept good last night.. played great today at playgroup. I hear him coughing a bit on the monitor now... he goes to the doctor on Tuesday, we will see what he says.
Oh, playgroup... we host playgroup every Friday at our house. Each week is themed and today was Color Day. It was so sweet to see all the kiddies wearing their favorite color. The mommies too. :) I love playgroup days. Sophia was a bit cranky but she is our emotional girl. Tomorrow is the birthday day! I hope she can pull herself together and have a good day.
Tonight we are going to the "meet the coach" meeting for soccer. Soccer starts next week and she is pretty excited about it. She has been asking me since Wednesday, "when are we going to meet my coach?" I bet Troy will enjoy going to the soccer games, way more than going to ballerina school. At least he can run around the grass while she is playing.
Well, the birthday weekend is upon us- I am sure I won't have much time to blog this weekend but wishing you all a Happy Weekend! Hope everyone has a good one.
OH- guess what else! When everyone left from playgroup. I was putting Troy down in his bed and closed his door and ripped half of my toenail right off my toe! I was so looking forward to painting my toes while the kids were napping. LOL :)


  1. Eeek, what a bummer about your toe! I hope it doesn't hurt too bad:) Also, I hope the part goes well this weekend and it's a good memory for next year! It's funny how it's hard to shake a memory!

    I'm so glad Sophia loved ballerina school, and how fun for soccer! We love it, and Josie in her second season is so aggressive! I am wondering where this competitive little spirit came from, I thought I had a girly girl!

    I hear you too on the long hours of working... sometimes, you just want them with you. It's because they're so wonderful to be around;)

  2. I am so glad to hear that Sophia enjoyed Ballet! I'm super sad that you can't the pictures uploaded, ugh!
    Poor Troy -- ballet class is no where for an adventurous little toddling boy! I'm sure he'll enjoy soccer much more.
    Hope all goes well with the party, sounds like fun! Sohia will be the princess of the ball, no worries Mama! I'll keep her super close in my Prayers that there's nothing but happy memories for next party!!
    Sorry about your toenail...I seem to rip my nails twice a month! I know how it feels and I know how much it hurts when it's time for a new pedicure ... ouch, ouch, stinging, ouch!

  3. Hey Holly, I have been thinking about you guys!! I miss you guys and you're only next door! So I read that tommorow is Sophi's birthday! Happy Birthday Sophi! lol Well I will try to visit soon! Tell them I said hi! :)
