Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tony, the dishwasher and the brownies

"Tony, I am going to my mom's with Sophia. When I get back I will load up this dirty stuff (the things in the sink and some on the counter) and I'll wash them, unless you feel like helping..." Hint: Load this stuff and wash it!
I guess he half heard what I was saying.. he responded, "You got it babe. What do I feed Troy for breakfast?"
I gave him a breakfast bar for Troy before running out the door with Sophia to have breakfast and go to mom's to pick up some awesome toys and clothes that she bought for the kids. We had a great time, just me and Sophia. I love it when we are able to get away just the two of us.. it's so fun. Sophia savors every minute of it too. She wants me to hold her, she loves having my undivided attention. She's so sweet.
We got back home with the van literally filled to the roof, to find Tony and Troy outside washing Tony's car. I unloaded all the goodies from Mimi and I went into the kitchen hoping that Tony got the hint and all that stuff was clean in the dishwasher or even better, maybe he put it away. The first thing I noticed was the green light on the dishwasher indicating that whatever was in it was clean. Then, I noticed the counter... filled with sippy cups, bottles, pacifiers, glasses, and dishes.. just as it was before I left- ok, I need to clean the kitchen, he didn't get the hint- but what did he wash? What was clean?
One bottle and a coffee mug. Really, he loaded... one bottle and a coffee mug and ran the dishwasher. Like my grandma always says,
"He's just mere man."
I have to give him credit though, he did make the best brownies I have ever tasted tonight after dinner. I made the dinner, but he did a great job with the brownies, the secrets out... I'll never make brownies again! Tony has a new job in this house.
Maybe he'll even wash his dishes that he uses- oh wait, he's just mere man, I guess I'll settle for his delicious brownies.


  1. I seriously laughed out loud at this. He washed two items in the dishwasher!?!?! Oh goodness...looks like he still needs some training in this department! At least you got yummy brownies!

  2. That's flipping hilarious! I hope he at least put it on water conserve mode?
    Glad you got some yummy brownies in place of a clean kitchen, though. That's a good trade! sounds like you are feeling better - glad ;) How about your mama ... getting there?

  3. Too funny!! At least he tried...Right........
    I love Brownies!! That makes up for lots of dirty dishes!! Glad you and Sohpia had a great time together! Give the cuties hugs for us!
