Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Wow! What an exhausting fun weekend we had.
It was wonderful. It went pretty well as planned, with a few Sophia 'moments' to make things interesting.
I'm pooped! The kids are pooped! Actually, my sweet babies are so tired that their little immune systems are struggling. I took them to the doctor today. Troy had some asthmatic episodes last week and they carried into the weekend. Luckily, only at night.. but poor kiddo. The pediatrician said he had an upper respiratory infection, but that he was sounding better than before. Troy's little respiratory system is so easily compromised with colds, they go right to his chest. I guess he is predisposed to asthma- I have pretty bad asthma, my dad did... the list goes on. Sophia has the same cold but no chest congestion, she has never really had respiratory issues. Which I am convinced is God giving me a break, the child deals with enough. We just hope she doesn't get a fever, that is almost a guarantee for her to have a febrile seizure. So far she is doing good. I am pumping her full of orange juice. Kids are so resilient. She went to her 'ballerina school' tonight and danced like nobodies business! I love seeing her in ballet. She really loves her little class. Someone tonight called her a 'chatter box', they were so right! She just talks and talks and talks... I hope it doesn't get her in trouble. I talked to her about it tonight and she responded, "Mommy, my teacher's wub (love) talking to me." Troy is working on two more teeth. He was walking around tonight with his sock in his mouth. I went to put it back on his foot and it was all bloody, his poor tooth was bleeding. He's such a little trooper, I didn't even realize he had another tooth coming through. After this one pops through he will have eight teeth. He has turned into such a biter now though. He bumped his head on the wall this weekend and turned around yelled and then bit the wall, there are four little teeth marks there now. I was shocked, I almost didn't believe it! Glad he didn't bump his head on me. :)
Well, I have been pumping the airborne, which I strongly believe in, but I need to get some rest, I am sure my sickies will have me running tonight.
Hope everyone is having a great week.


  1. Troy bit the wall...that is hilarious! Better watch out Mama, little boys like to bite when they get mad! Garbear used to bite the snot outta me -- ouchy!! Sophia has 8 teeth and has decided it's fun to get a little bitty piece of flesh (Mommy's of course) and just roll it around between her teeth! OOOOOOCHHH, OUchie!
    Take good care of the little sicky bugs - hope the house gets back to healthy soon! Just FYI, Black Elder Berry extract - it's yummy, it's natural, and it kills viruses =) I know Dr.'s say nothing will work on a virus - this stuff does. I pick it up at either whole foods or vitamin cottage or places like that.
