Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I've read that before..

I was sitting in church a few weeks ago. Listening to a sermon, a sermon on a verse I had read many times before.
A verse I heard many services on..
A verse I read many devotionals about...
Yet, I had never heard the verse depicted this way.
While I sat, listening, I heard someone say, "I have read that verse before"
I thought to myself...
what Christian hasn't? I mean, bottom line is it's a popular verse among believers.
So many verses, popular ones, unpopular ones, uplifting verses, humbling verses... I've heard many verses.
I was blessed to be raised by a Christian Momma, I had a strong Christian Aunt, both of these God-fearing women read me many Bible stories, sang Bible songs, read countless Bible verses to my growing mind. I went to a Christian school where you studied the Bible if you wanted to or not...
Yes, I have heard this verse before...
On of the things I so treasure about the Bible, is you can read the same verse and throughout time the meaning of that verse will transform.
As we grow from babies in His Word the Bible transforms with us, it transforms us.
We can hear the same verse over and over again, yet each time, each season in life take something different from it.

Thank You Lord for allowing your Word to be relevant in our lives while transforming our lives. Thank you for all the times I can hear your word, over and over again.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”
Matthew 5:6

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