Thursday, November 17, 2011

bar soap to liquid soap

Yes my friends, this is a cup of soap... this recipes makes lots so it's a good idea to have an extra container ready.

I have been on this mission with soap for a while now... I love soap! A little too much maybe... I am sure I have spent far too many hours perfecting this project but I think it is finally right...

I have really sensitive skin, I've been making my own laundry detergent with Ivory soap for some time now.

I had seen ways to turn bar soap to a liquid. I wanted to try it... how cool to use Ivory bath bars, Ivory laundry detergent, Ivory hand soap and Ivory body wash... but make it all at home! Ivory everything!

I dunno, but to me this was an exciting thought.

Well, if you search 'bar soap to liquid soap' online you will find 100s of links. The recipes all differ slightly and after trying a number of them and failing miserably -my neighbor was my test subject- thank you Sarah for trying my soap :)

I think... I have finally figured it out.

Things you will need:
Cheese grater
1 bar of soap (IVORY!)
1tsp vegetable glycerin
1tsp honey
5 cups of water

And here we go...

Grate the bar down so that it melts quicker

Boil water, add soap, glycerin and honey, stirring continually till soap melts

Once melted, let cool 20 minutes or so, it will just look like soapy water, my husband was a bit concerned as I cooked soap...

Once cool, pour into a blender- this is when the glycerin takes effect and it gets that 'store bought soap texture'-use the whip setting on your blender only about 20-30 seconds

This will cause it to foam up quite a bit, let it sit for 15 minutes or so and it will being to take a thicker consistancy as it cools.

Pour into containers and use! It will thicken as the hours pass, it really takes about 24 hours to 'look' like store bought but it works just the same.

Doesn't a little spray paint do wonders for a recycled plastic soap dispenser?

This recipes also doubles as great body wash. I got these cute containers at Target, back by the pharmacy for 89 cents.

And clean up is a breeze because everything is already covered in soap...

1 comment:

  1. Love it! And I LOVE that you took picture to document the process! Good job!
