Sunday, November 13, 2011

moving mountains...

a sigh of relief...
a prayer of praise...
long awaited...
a day of accepting grace.

Grace that is free to everyone, all you must do is choose Him.

This wife has prayed long and hard for this day to come...

an answered prayer today...

The song, "Savior he can move the mountains..." I've sang this many times, pleading with God to move the mountain... and before we got to the chorus that mountain got to moving...

My sweet and loving husband made the most important decision today...

oh how sweet this victory was.

Tears of joy...

I asked why now?

and he said "why fight something that I know is right?"

This man who hasn't cried in over ten years...

he wipes the tears away, saying, "I don't know why I'm crying"

glorious day...

it's is supposed to be emotional, it should bring us to our knees, God is that mighty and His gift is eternal...

I cannot wait to see what the future holds for this leader, this man, I am proud to call my husband.


  1. I'm so happy for this day and for you both. :) We've discussed it and I know you've waited for it!!
    Faith in God's Plan includes Faith in God's Timing.
