Monday, November 21, 2011

doing for them is good for me

My monsters have been a little under the weather lately.

No real symptom just lots of little things, runny noses, coughing, they seem to need more rest than normal.

Any time children are sick it leave more work for the parent.

My sweet friend has four sick little ones right now. Her days have been filled cooking, cleaning, washing, wiping, it seems never ending...

She says, "they have never all been sick at the same time."

And this momma just wanted them well.

She wanted happy smiles and joyful laughter to fill her home again, and it will but in the meantime she is left doing the dirty work.

As I washed dishes for what seemed like that millionth time, my hands were beginning to crack from being in the water so much during the last two days, I put lotion on my hands and went into the living room to refold the laundry that the dog knocked onto the floor, I stepped on Troy's monster truck and screamed as pain shot from the middle of my foot up my leg, I sat on the floor for a moment rubbing my foot. My focus quickly shifted as I noticed the tiny pieces of purple playdoh that was scattered under the dining room table... yes, it indeed never ends.

And I think, this is what God calls me to do?

In that moment I wanted to throw all the toys into the garage, scream and run through the house like a mad woman, call my husband tell him to come home from work and take care of "his children" so I could escape...

but no, because this is what God calls me to do, to do this with a loving heart, a humble heart, to have grace and mercy, to be their Momma and love them, pick up their toys, wipe their noses, rock that feverish child in the middle of the night.

Doing for them is good for me. It teaches me, it forces me to find strength inside myself and strength in my Lord. Motherhood humbles me, I am better because of the little sacrifices I have made for my children.

Parents are in unique positions if you think about it, we get the opportunity to come as close to understanding God's love for us as anyone can imagine. God's love for us is even more than the love we have for our children.

And in our sick, grumpy, whinny, dirty moments. I am so thankful that he doesn't scream, slam the door and escape His children. He scoops us up, fixes our mistakes, kisses our boo-boos, holds us, makes us better, because we are His children.

As thanksgiving quickly approaches I am so thankful to be His child.

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