Friday, November 25, 2011

come and gone...

Thanksgiving was a flurry of events

a day of togetherness, praise and blessings abounding.

Good food, great fellowship, and belly laughs that make you gasp for air.

The day came and went so quickly

and like every year memories were made....

a new cooking tradition with my mother in law, fondue and pizza

cooking until 1am Thanksgiving morning,

discovering 'words with friends' and playing until 2am,

the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade,

driving with food (this deserves its own blog),

new and old recipes,

one word- FARKLE,

my children's ability to find every toy in their Nonnie's house,

going from one grandparents house to another,

Turkey legs,

eating with our fingers,

pajama dinners,

Sophia, our little performer

Troy singing "Stain, Stain, Stain on this town..."

my sweet Daddy's belly laughs,

my mom's squeals of laughter,

back home for the Charlie Brown special

not being able to stay awake any longer and falling into my mans arms after a wonderful day.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

29 DAYS, 15 HOURS, 44 SECONDS TILL CHRISTMAS... but who is counting?

1 comment:

  1. You have words with friends?!?!? :) Me too!!!
