Sunday, January 31, 2010

A strange strange weekend...

Not bad, good weekend actually. Strange though...
First I worked and everyone was in a very strange mood at work. Patients, nurses, doctors... maybe the full moon. Then on Saturday the kids and I were in the house I always leave the front windows in the kitchen open. Troy made a pine cone bird feeder at the library and it hangs on the tree out front. The kids like to look out the window and see if the birds are out in the bird bath or getting food from the pine cone. Troy calls it a 'bird eater' haha. Well, I saw some kids, teenage boys, playing out front at the house next door. They don't live there but those neighbors often have other kids over on the weekends. I was getting the kids a snack and Troy was in the kitchen with me when he says, "my bird eater!" I looked and there were the kids taking down Troy's bird feeder in our yard. I told the kids to sit at the table I'd be right back. When I opened the door the boys ran into the garage of the house next door. I said, "hey!" and walked over there. Sophi and Troy were looking out the window. I caught the boys in the driveway and asked them why they felt the need to take our pine cone down from our tree. The kid tried to get smart with me saying, 'well mam, I don't know why you have a pine cone in your tree in the first place but it killed that squirrel so I was removing it so that other squirrels didn't have to die' I didn't even notice the dead squirrel that was laying next to the pine cone on the ground.. then it dawns on me. They were unhooking the bird feeder so they could hang the squirrel from the string. And- the squirrel was NOT killed by the pine cone bird feeder, it had been in the road dead, I noticed it earlier that morning. This made me more angry. Who does something like that!? I talked to those kids then went in the house. After calming down to a more rational place I went over and spoke with the mom. She was very upset and made the boys come get the squirrel and bury it, they also hung the bird feeder back up. Personally, I would have them made write letters apologizing for there actions as well but no one asked me. I know boys will be boys, kids playing practical jokes is one thing, but with dead animals is another. Ugh!!! Creepy. No matter what anyone says there is no excuse for that kind of behavior. I am so glad I caught them and my poor babies didn't have to go out of the house and witness a dead squirrel hanging from our tree. I can't imagine how terrible that would be for Sophi and Troy. What is wrong with people!!!
Then, someone I know, an acquaintance, not a close friend, stole $2 from me. I caught them and then they tried to lie about it!! How freaking crazy is that!!?? It was $2!!! This is not a person who would need to steal $2 either. This is a wealthy stay at home mother who has a nice house and drives a nice car. Not someone who NEEDS to go around stealing $2 for food or some other necessary item.
What is going on this weekend!!
So other than that it was an amazing weekend full of family togetherness and lots of laughs!
I am taking Troy to a play date tomorrow morning after we drop Sophi off at school.

I don't understand it! Strange things are going on... hopefully the strange will stop and the fun will continue.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday is Library Day!

Today is Library Day for Troy.
I used to take Sophia every Wednesday to toddler time at the library. When Troy came along we kind of stopped going, well once he got big enough to move.
Now that Sophia is in preschool I have been really wanting to take him, hadn't done it though.
The last two weeks we have gone and he has had such a great time.
He enjoys being in a group with the other kids. He likes the singing. Not so interested in the story time, gets very distracted during that part. He loves the crafts. And it works out perfectly that we go and pick up sissy as soon as it's over. So it is a good little distraction for him.
Yesterday we dropped Sophi off at school and Troy cried and cried that we left sissy at school. We went grocery shopping and he laid on me saying 'I sad, I so sad, sissy go? sissy...' He is so pathetic! Then we picked her up and in no more than 2 minutes he was yelling in his carseat that she was doing something wrong and screaming 'sissy mean!'
So for a good little distraction, library day today! Looking forward to it.
My work schedule got switched around and I have to work tonight so don't know how much blogging will get done with groggy mommy the next few days...
If you don't hear from me everyone have a great week and weekend.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cooking Tuesday

Another one for the crock pot.

This is a new recipe and I love it! Love it so much that I've made it twice in two days. Well, the first day I made it on the stove top then I made it the second day (today) in the crock pot for a dinner party.
You can get the stove top recipe from my friend Katie.

For the crock pot, if I can get away with throwing something in the crock pot I will, same ingredients that she used..
only I cut the boneless chicken breasts into slices
put the salsa, cheese, and black beans into the crock pot, added the chicken.
Cooked on low for 6 hours, then on warm until we were ready to eat.
I made yellow rice and we ate with corn chips and flour tortillas.

Gotta run! Having a jewelry party tonight for one of the mom's at Sophi's school. Lots of cleaning to do and two wild banana heads running around the house messing everything up... at least the food is done! Easy!

Monday, January 25, 2010

ready to say goodbye to cold and flu season

Last week was a bit chaotic.
The biggest baby, my husband, was sick. Sophia continues to cough and be congested, she's been sick since Christmas. Finally Wednesday night her immune system gave in and she had at least one seizure. She had one on Saturday too. Her immune system was down and has been for a while. She also is at this turning point with nap time. She doesn't really 'need' a nap. I mean, she is OK to stay away all day but her body needs the rest. Coughing all night doesn't help her get rest too. We have "quiet time" but the majority of the time she is up and down with ten thousand excuses why she needs to be awake and out of bed. We went back to the doctor on Thursday and she is on a steroid for the coughing fits and some heavy decongestant and cough suppressants. She has built up quite the tolerance to medication though, it doesn't knock her out the way it used too. Little stinker. She seems to be doing better now. Not coughing as much and sleeping better. Thursday she took a three hour nap! Whoo whoo! So did I.
Tony ended up at urgent care on Saturday... finally, he has been sick since the start of the new year. He got a Zpack and some cough medication. He is starting to feel better.
My throat started hurting Saturday night, took a great nap on Sunday and felt a lot better. I think I'm so sleep deprived on the nights I work just needed some extra ZZZZZs. Throat is still a little scratchy but doing the whole gargling with salt water, napping, and drinking lots of orange juice, I am determined to not be sick again.
Needless to say we are ready to say goodbye to cold and flu season.
We all took lots of naps over the weekend. Well, everyone but Sophi. She says 'God makes me not tired' OK blame God. :)
We went to church yesterday then to lunch with my grandparents and my mom. My grandma treated us all to Olive Garden. So sweet of her. Troy was quite the entertainment yesterday at lunch. He is starting to talk more and more. He says all kinds of funny stuff. When I correct him for something he covers his eyes and acts sad then he'll look up and point his finger at me and say 'no momma!'
I'm up early this morning. We had some tornado warnings in our area, but it started with both the kids getting up because they wet the bed. Lovely! First Sophia "I'm damp, I didn't pee the bed, I'm just damp from something" Then Troy, "I wet, I pooped, I wet, oh no!" Got the kids clean jammie's, clean sheets, back to bed. Then wind and rain more wind and rain... checked the news and tornado warnings.
Sorry about 'Cooking Tuesday' no recipes last week. Not much cooking going on last week with all the sickies no one really wanted to eat my food. I did make a really yummy french toast casserole, tasted more like a desert than a dinner though. Check in tomorrow for a recipe. My friend Laura is going to bring her daughter over to play in the morning I may sneak out while she is here and run to the grocery store and get something yummy for the crock pot.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Bestest Crafty Project Yet!

Sooo.. I have been ever so anxious to figure out what to do with the old crib.
Both of my little darlings slept in this crib and since we are not going to have anymore children I was pretty emotional when my brother and best friend Kati came to help me take it down. Well, they took it down. I paced in the living room. Anyway, since then the crib has sat in the garage. I knew I wanted to keep it but wasn't sure what exactly to do with it. I want to be able to use the crib again, someday, my sister will have a baby and without a doubt I will need a crib for my little niece or nephew for when they sleep over. But my sister is only 20 and in college so that may be a while...
Kati knew of my heart break and sent me a link to a website showing some 'reuse' ideas. Stealing some ideas from a couple different places... here is what I came up with...

Took the crib springs, I brushed them with a copper but it didn't really come out. I have a lot of black iron stuff around the house so this worked. I did see a website that had springs painted white, but that wouldn't have matched for me. I took clothes pins and took fabric from two of the kids baby sleepers and cut and glued the fabric onto the pins.

Then added a few other heart felt pieces, like Sophi's baby crib shoe and Troy's brown boot. Along with their newborn hats...
It made me sad putting it all together, but I'm so glad that it is done and turned out so beautiful. Maybe one of those craft ideas that only the mother understands but I love it and I'm sure it will be a great conversation piece in our great room.

Let me know what you think...
Also, I still have the other parts of the crib for someday when my sister has a baby for me. Yes, for me. ;)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Breakfast of Champions

Sophia and Troy were playing in their toy kitchen this morning. Sophi brings me a plate of food and says "Here mommy bread carmagel and tuma fish!" Translation: Bread caramel and tuna fish. I love these kids. Troy comes up behind her "eat momma". I pretended to eat afew bites as there anticipating eyes were fixated on my mouth.
"Umm.. Wonderful!" They smiled and ran back to their little kitchen.
Bread Carmagel and Tuma Fish the breakfast of Champions!

Tonight I work at the hospital. Sophia is going to school then to spend the night with her GiGi. They are going to see Princess and the Frog. Sophia is very very excited! I am going to miss her but I love that she has the opportunity to go with my grandma, her great grandma. She loves her GiGi. I'll get some good alone time with Troy before work tonight too.

Well gotta get Sophia off to school... today is show and tell and painting day!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

epilepsy update

Sophia with our little cone head dog(his itching problem has been an issue lately-thus the cone), Papi. Sophi still loves him though!

My blog last week about Peace in Disruptions, one of our ongoing disruptions is Sophia's struggle with epilepsy. Here is a brief update as we continue to raise the medicaion dosage, she is responding really really well. I am thankful for these sunny days.

Sophia has continued to go to the neurologist regularly. We have been on an incline on the dosage with the new medication since we started it. She responds well to this medication. She doesn't have mood swings from it, she doesn't get dizzy, depressed, she seems to be doing great with the medication itself. Nothing has made me more sad than having a two year old tell me, "I want to lay in my bed all day and be alone" it was that moment that I realized how severe these medications can alter these children's personalities. My big mouth social butterfly of a daughter, wanting to be alone all day? Something had to change, three medications and two doctors later, this new medicine is much better for her. I feel like on this medicine I KNOW her. The dosage has been increased from the original 10mgs a day to 35mgs now we are increasing the amount every two weeks until she is on 75mg per day.

She was having stomach aches which the neurologist thinks is probably her 'Aura' that she is having or going to have a seizure. As she gets older and is able to explain the feeling we will know more. A stomach ache, could really be a feeling completely different, she just doesn't have the words to explain what. Sometimes with a seizure in the brain the physical response is no more than a 'strange sensation'. The physical responses to the seizures are limited. Sometimes I notice a slight droop on her right eye, she will get disoriented. It usually doesn't last long and it isn't often, afew times a month maybe. When it happens I usually notice it for a few days. It's like once it starts then it lasts a few days then passes... Almost like a build up of electrical activity on her brain, then the storm, then we have sunny days. This is just something we have gotten very used to dealing with and I don't think Sophi really knows any different, which that makes me sad but is a blessing at the same time. As we increase the dosage she tells me her stomach hurts less and less.. she doesn't complain of headaches near as much..

I heard CURE, citizens united for research in epilepsy, refer to seizures in saying people think lightening doesn't strike the same place twice, but for people with epilepsy it can.

We are reminded how blessed we are to have her. Every picture she draws and every crazy thing she says is a wonderful gift! She cried to me one night, she was having a headache, we laid in her bed. She said, "I don't know why I have to have all these tests but I still feel bad, when am I going to feel better?" It was all I could do not to cry with her but I held her and told her she would feel better soon.

Luckily God blesses me with a peace to remember how lucky we are but I can't forget that this is very real.

As we have been upping the medication I already notice a huge difference. She doesn't complain about stomach aches near as much. She doesn't get that quiet feeling where she just wants to go lay down, sometimes she would say she had a headache. I am thankful that for now things seem to be under control.

I have been trying to limit the TV watching as the doctor has said only one hour a day. I think that is good for all kids but very hard when they have been sick and this cold weather we can't go out to play as much. She is sleeping good. Not taking many naps but most nights she goes to bed at 8 and gets up around 730, the doctor said those long sleep periods are good for her. Limiting her sugar is an issue as this girl is a chocolate addict! But she is a kid and we let her have fun! Just don't go crazy and remain in a healthy limit.

We have got a great group of people who take care of her. A supportive pediatrician, who is there whenever we need him. A caring neurologist, a kind receptionist who works in the office, the same EEG tech does all her of EEGs; the consistency of that makes those tests so much more bearable. The nurses in the office are always so polite to her, they talk to her and it means the world when they ask her how her day was. Even the pharmacist who fills her prescriptions, Sophia adores him, he always comes from around the counter to greet her and ask her how she is feeling. I have sat in his office looking up appropriate mediation dosage and side affects, he is our 'pill shop angel' as Sophia calls him. Her PreK teacher is so understanding, talks to her about things, and helps me watch for side effects, giving me a daily update on how she is doing.. these people have NO idea how much more bearable they make this situation.

So in this chaos we accept it, we say, "I am God's servant, May it be to me as you have said" because "with God nothing is impossible."

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cooking Tuesday

Ham and Cheese Loaf

It is not organic, it is not fat free, this is a simple simple simple recipe. Totally kid friendly! You can most definatly alter this recipe to whatever your tastes want! You can put anything you want inside a pizza crust but last night, we made a ham and cheese loaf for dinner. So simple and Sophia loves helping me make it, Troy loves eating it!

3 simple ingredients, phillsbury pizza crust, shredded cheese, sliced ham.

Roll out the bread, layer with ham and cheese. You can put Mayo on the inside but we don't.

Fold it together and bake on 425 for 18 minutes, COOL.. it's HOT HOT HOT!

Cut and serve! The kids like it with apples!

Did I mention they like it...

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Troy Anthony

Troy is my little man. A strong boy with a sweetness that I am sure will make him a good husband and daddy someday. He is stubborn to a fault. He has brown eyes that remind me of fall. His curly hair has streaks of red, which I swear is from his temper. He is left handed but tries to use his right hand because his sister is right handed. He looks up to the men in his life although he thinks he is 10 feet tall. He loves to snuggle but hates to be held down. He doesn't let much bother him. He is curious but content. He loves dirt and mud. He loves dogs and hates bugs. He cries more when his sister gets hurt than when he gets hurt. He runs fast and speaks slow. Cute little guy. He is quick to anger but quick to forgive, and quick to say sorry. He reminds me to not worry about things.

Having a fun day today. Sophi went to school this morning. Troy and I had the morning together. I enjoy the alone time with just him. He asks me numerous times when we will pick up 'sissy' so I don't think he enjoys it near as much as I do. But we have fun anyway. We went to the pharmacy. He loves going out just the two of us. He holds my hand when we walk. He likes me to talk to him. He smiles and be-bops around. He says 'How you?' (How are you?) to everyone we walk pass. It doesn't seem to bother him if they respond or not just as long as he says it, he is happy. So cute with this curly hair.

We came home and ate a snack, played with his trains and read books. He likes books about fish but gets scared when there are sharks. He says 'no rah rahs' then closes the book and gets another one. Usually another one about fish and somewhere in it is a shark, which he quickly closes the book and gets another one, with another shark.

He calls monsters 'rah rahs', something I never want to forget. When he is scared he comes and tells me 'there's rah rahs momma rah rahs' I love that at this age and this innocence my simple touch and telling him that it is ok and 'there are no rah rahs' is good enough for him. I know it won't always be that way though. I'm enjoying the time it is.

I heard a quote the other day and it reminded me of Troy.

"Let him sleep, for when he wakes he will move mountains"
I loved this! Then I realized it was from Napoleon Bonaparte. HAHA I still like it, and in some ways the quote is now even more fitting.

God Bless Him! <3

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Not my kind of day...

Snow in Florida!?
NO Thank You!!
It is so cold here, I don't know about the whole global warming thing, if the polar ice caps were melting I think they are frozen solid again... until August and September that is, which I'm sure we will have some record breaking heat!

Anyway, I worked the last two nights. So, there I go MIA during that time. I try and sleep whenever I get the free time so there is no blogging on those days. ;) Not much of anything gets done. I try and wash and dry laundry then it piles up to be folded and put away once I am done with my two nights. I have folded three loads of laundry this morning. I took a nap while the kids watched Disney's Robin Hood. Got up made lunch, checking up on emails and blogging, then going back to sleep since they are napping.

My mom is fine. She ended up with a severe UTI and now has antibiotics. She is just fine now. Thank you for emails of concern. Hate when a family memeber isn't well.

So, this morning I was on my way home. I was driving and preparing myself that today was going to be a day that I couldn't go home and get right in bed. Tony had to work today and I was going to have the kids to take care of. Yes, when you are up for a 12 hour shift you have to prepare to stay awake... the sight of the bed and knowing I can't get in it makes me very grumpy when I am tired. So, I was praying for patience with the kids, praying that I would have energy to do everything that I knew would need to be done, and asking God for a miracle that maybe they would sit and watch a movie. Lucky for me they did.

I was also less that thrilled about this Central Florida "snow" more like ice rain... my gas light was on, lovely! So I stopped to get gas. Pulling out of the gas station back onto a three lane highway. There was one car in the middle lane, so I pulled onto the right lane. The car that was in the middle lane was now directly behind me honking his horn and waving his arms in the air. Darn it! So, I went to move into the middle lane so that he could just keep going. I guess he was going to go around me and I got in his way again, which only made him more mad. So he honks his horn and speeds away.. ok. Continue driving don't get rattled. I was so tired. I see blue lights coming up behind me. I was thinking in me head, "haha, that's what you get having road rage, you're gonna get a ticket." I pull into the other lane to let the officer pass me. He pulls behind me. WHAT IN THE WORLD!? I think briefly, maybe he wants to see if I'm ok. HAHA This is the sleep deprivation that set in. After a very long conversation, in the ice rain, he tells me that I could have caused and accident moving from one lane to another and he gives me a $166 ticket for careless driving. This is all before 7:30am. Not my kind of day.
So, I cried the rest of the way home... tired and now fighting mad.
Tony was late for work because he counts on me to get there at a certain time and now a ticket.

This is my first driving ticket other than when I got in a car accident with a telephone pole when I was 18. We call it the 'bagel flip of 2002' I reached down for a bagel to eat and ran into a telephone pole and flipped my SUV. Now that is careless driving, an accident, but yes, careless.
I don't think trying to avoid a road rage incident is careless driving.
Anyway, I'm home, safe, and now that the kids are quiet, going back to bed.

Happy Saturday to you all, stay warm!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

work tonight...

Busy day today. Just wanted to wish you all in Florida who are NOT used to this cold weather a very stay warm wish. ;)

My mom is in the ER today. She has had problems with kidney stones in the past and it seems that is what is causing her problems today. God Bless her, she seems to be in lots of pain. I pray that it passes quickly and without much complication.

I'll update more tomorrow as today is a full day and I am going to take advantage of nap time and take a nap myself before heading off to work tonight.

Stopping in to see Sophi's doctor this afternoon as well, seems she may have an ear infection along with this cold virus that has been plaguing our house for the last few weeks. Busy house, busy mommy.

Stay warm Floridians... and yes the rest of the country as well. ;)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Peace in Disruption

I recently read a blog from my friend Lauren, she was commenting about a blog from MckMomma, it was about blogging boldly or just living boldly and not getting caught up in the appearance of perfect.

While I like to remind myself how blessed we are, I have to be careful not to mask the crosses that we as a family carry. I think we all have many crosses... different sizes, some are heavy and some are light. No matter the size, it is our cross, and important just the same. If it is a sick child, problems with a spouse or parent, a health complication, a financial situation, the loss of a family member or a pet, or just a bad day, whatever it be. Sometimes we carry it for a season sometimes for a lifetime. It can make us angry, sad, lonely, happy, thankful...

2009 has been a really long year for us. The good and the bad of the year play a balancing act on the scales of life. I am proud to say that the good that has come this year has surely out weighed the bad. It's all in how you look at it I guess. A friend of ours would tell us "PMA"(positive mental attitude). She would say this in a joking manner but it always reminded us to have a positive outlook.

Tony losing his job in April 09 was a hard pill to swallow but we managed and got through it. The financial hurt and the loss of the job, the loss of our house, our cars, some days it felt like we lost everything, and I do mean thing. God granted a peace that I always remembered family, health and happiness were not things. But that didn't make it an easier to accept. Someone told me this last year, "even though most of America is going through the same thing, when you are alone and lay your head on your pillow at night it doesn't make it any easier." It is true. You have to stay positive and keep your faith in hard times, but those dark moments do creep in and you have to just be real sometimes and it wouldn't be real to say that it didn't hurt.

In the midst of it all we really gained our family back. Tony who was gone nearly 75 hours a week was home, unemployed but home. He got to experience our kids growing in a way he never would have. I began to depend on him as a way a wife should. We were able to work together for a common goal for the first time in our marriage. Raising our kids and paying the bills was our goal not my goal and his goal. We worked together like never before. I entered back into the work force and while that is still sometimes not my greatest pleasure I have come to find pride in providing an income and health insurance for my family. But when it comes to being 'bold' and not pretending it's all perfect and ok. I still have my moments when I miss the carefree lifestyle that I used to live. I have moments that the devil gets a foothold and I envy the mom's who still get to stay home. I pray for the oppurtunity to do it again but I'm thankful for the blessing of a job.

I never imagined I'd find myself in marriage counselling, which we did, and THANK GOD for it. I really don't know if I could have made it during this time without the encouragement of a wonderful Christ centered couple who call themselves 'marriage mentors' not counsellors. That was not my proudest moment but sometimes God humbles us to teach us that we should stop doing it our way and do it his way.

God places us right were we need to be and if we sit and listen we will hear his plan.

I heard a lesson around Christmas time about Mary and the chaos and disruption that Jesus' birth was to bring Mary. In the midst of the chaos and disruption Mary humbly accepted God's will for her. Saying, "I am God's servant, May it be to me as you have said." Luke 1:38
How brave of Mary, God knew who he was picking ;) He gave her strength. In verse 37 the angel Gabriel said "for nothing is impossible with God."

Despite the chaos and disruption that 2009 has caused in the lives of many people around the USA we must remember that in our battles if we humbly accept God's will and lean on Him "nothing is impossible."

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Cooking Tuesday...

Everyone has there own twist on Chili, I love hearing how people make Chili, my dad won't tell me his wonderful recipe but someday I'll get it out of him... he makes the best Chili I've ever had!
I make a turkey chili, you can use beef though. I just figured we eat enough beef in this house; hamburgers, spaghetti...
So here is how we make "Southwest Turkey Chili" -those of you from the 'Southwest' don't laugh at my 'southwest chili' I'm sure I'd laugh at your "BBQ" recipes. ;)

Here's what you need... ground turkey, can of corn, can of kidney beans or chili beans, can of diced tomatoes, chili powder, and 1 cup of shredded cheese Mexican blend

Combine all ingredients in the crock pot while you brown the meat in the skillet.

Add the meat. Set the crock pot to low/medium and leave it until you are ready to eat. I like to let it sit at least 4 hours. Check and add water if necessary, I never do though.

I make the original Jiffy corn muffins but I add one can of drained corn to the mix. The kids love that the muffins have 'real' corn inside. ;)

So, it is simple. Not a fancy recipe but it tastes soo good. When the kids are not eating the Chili, I like to make it spicy by using a can of diced tomatoes with green peppers instead of the plain diced tomatoes.

Easy on the pocket book too. I had enough Chili for my family, my mom and dad, still with a bowl left over for today's lunch. The whole pot costs about $8 but if you look for sale prices you can save much more.

I'm going to attempt to share a recipe every Tuesday so check in for new ideas.

Monday, January 4, 2010

What a slacker I am!?

No blog since December 8th.. wow! What a slacker huh!?
The holiday was perfect, filled with family and lots of love, but I must say I am glad it is over. Right after Christmas the kids and I got sick, I could feel it coming but we fought it right through the holidays but the day after Christmas Troy fell victim, I followed, then Sophia, now Tony.. Troy is beginning to recover and I can tell Sophia feels better today. She goes back to school on Wednesday which she is thrilled about.

I hope everyone is having an amazing start to the year 2010!

My daughter is loving the Disney movies these days. My mom gave us all the old ones that belonged to my sister and I. Cinderella, Aladin, Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, Mulan.. the list goes on. We have been watching movies every day. Sophi loves it. She calles Troy 'Princes Sharmin' haha! I laugh because he walks around in that big diaper and she calls him that.. reminds me of Charmin toilet paper! haha. So funny.

Today she watched Cinderella. The scene where the evil step sisters head to the ball was on... you may remember... they leave Cinderella wearing rags, crying, while they go to the ball.

Sophia walks over to me and asks me, "Mommy why do they walk like this?" She puts her butt to me and sticks it out and waddles back to the couch.

I told her that there was something in the dresses to make it look like that.

"What is it?" she asks.

I told her I really didn't know it was like tissue paper maybe? haha! Don't really know why I said that. I was thinking of the fabric in wedding dresses that make them puffy.. haha!

She then tells me, seriously says, "Well, find out what it is because I really want to wear that in my wedding dress when I marry Troy. OK Mom?"

Goodness! That girl..