Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cooking Tuesday

Ham and Cheese Loaf

It is not organic, it is not fat free, this is a simple simple simple recipe. Totally kid friendly! You can most definatly alter this recipe to whatever your tastes want! You can put anything you want inside a pizza crust but last night, we made a ham and cheese loaf for dinner. So simple and Sophia loves helping me make it, Troy loves eating it!

3 simple ingredients, phillsbury pizza crust, shredded cheese, sliced ham.

Roll out the bread, layer with ham and cheese. You can put Mayo on the inside but we don't.

Fold it together and bake on 425 for 18 minutes, COOL.. it's HOT HOT HOT!

Cut and serve! The kids like it with apples!

Did I mention they like it...

Happy Tuesday!

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