Monday, January 11, 2010

Troy Anthony

Troy is my little man. A strong boy with a sweetness that I am sure will make him a good husband and daddy someday. He is stubborn to a fault. He has brown eyes that remind me of fall. His curly hair has streaks of red, which I swear is from his temper. He is left handed but tries to use his right hand because his sister is right handed. He looks up to the men in his life although he thinks he is 10 feet tall. He loves to snuggle but hates to be held down. He doesn't let much bother him. He is curious but content. He loves dirt and mud. He loves dogs and hates bugs. He cries more when his sister gets hurt than when he gets hurt. He runs fast and speaks slow. Cute little guy. He is quick to anger but quick to forgive, and quick to say sorry. He reminds me to not worry about things.

Having a fun day today. Sophi went to school this morning. Troy and I had the morning together. I enjoy the alone time with just him. He asks me numerous times when we will pick up 'sissy' so I don't think he enjoys it near as much as I do. But we have fun anyway. We went to the pharmacy. He loves going out just the two of us. He holds my hand when we walk. He likes me to talk to him. He smiles and be-bops around. He says 'How you?' (How are you?) to everyone we walk pass. It doesn't seem to bother him if they respond or not just as long as he says it, he is happy. So cute with this curly hair.

We came home and ate a snack, played with his trains and read books. He likes books about fish but gets scared when there are sharks. He says 'no rah rahs' then closes the book and gets another one. Usually another one about fish and somewhere in it is a shark, which he quickly closes the book and gets another one, with another shark.

He calls monsters 'rah rahs', something I never want to forget. When he is scared he comes and tells me 'there's rah rahs momma rah rahs' I love that at this age and this innocence my simple touch and telling him that it is ok and 'there are no rah rahs' is good enough for him. I know it won't always be that way though. I'm enjoying the time it is.

I heard a quote the other day and it reminded me of Troy.

"Let him sleep, for when he wakes he will move mountains"
I loved this! Then I realized it was from Napoleon Bonaparte. HAHA I still like it, and in some ways the quote is now even more fitting.

God Bless Him! <3

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