Saturday, January 9, 2010

Not my kind of day...

Snow in Florida!?
NO Thank You!!
It is so cold here, I don't know about the whole global warming thing, if the polar ice caps were melting I think they are frozen solid again... until August and September that is, which I'm sure we will have some record breaking heat!

Anyway, I worked the last two nights. So, there I go MIA during that time. I try and sleep whenever I get the free time so there is no blogging on those days. ;) Not much of anything gets done. I try and wash and dry laundry then it piles up to be folded and put away once I am done with my two nights. I have folded three loads of laundry this morning. I took a nap while the kids watched Disney's Robin Hood. Got up made lunch, checking up on emails and blogging, then going back to sleep since they are napping.

My mom is fine. She ended up with a severe UTI and now has antibiotics. She is just fine now. Thank you for emails of concern. Hate when a family memeber isn't well.

So, this morning I was on my way home. I was driving and preparing myself that today was going to be a day that I couldn't go home and get right in bed. Tony had to work today and I was going to have the kids to take care of. Yes, when you are up for a 12 hour shift you have to prepare to stay awake... the sight of the bed and knowing I can't get in it makes me very grumpy when I am tired. So, I was praying for patience with the kids, praying that I would have energy to do everything that I knew would need to be done, and asking God for a miracle that maybe they would sit and watch a movie. Lucky for me they did.

I was also less that thrilled about this Central Florida "snow" more like ice rain... my gas light was on, lovely! So I stopped to get gas. Pulling out of the gas station back onto a three lane highway. There was one car in the middle lane, so I pulled onto the right lane. The car that was in the middle lane was now directly behind me honking his horn and waving his arms in the air. Darn it! So, I went to move into the middle lane so that he could just keep going. I guess he was going to go around me and I got in his way again, which only made him more mad. So he honks his horn and speeds away.. ok. Continue driving don't get rattled. I was so tired. I see blue lights coming up behind me. I was thinking in me head, "haha, that's what you get having road rage, you're gonna get a ticket." I pull into the other lane to let the officer pass me. He pulls behind me. WHAT IN THE WORLD!? I think briefly, maybe he wants to see if I'm ok. HAHA This is the sleep deprivation that set in. After a very long conversation, in the ice rain, he tells me that I could have caused and accident moving from one lane to another and he gives me a $166 ticket for careless driving. This is all before 7:30am. Not my kind of day.
So, I cried the rest of the way home... tired and now fighting mad.
Tony was late for work because he counts on me to get there at a certain time and now a ticket.

This is my first driving ticket other than when I got in a car accident with a telephone pole when I was 18. We call it the 'bagel flip of 2002' I reached down for a bagel to eat and ran into a telephone pole and flipped my SUV. Now that is careless driving, an accident, but yes, careless.
I don't think trying to avoid a road rage incident is careless driving.
Anyway, I'm home, safe, and now that the kids are quiet, going back to bed.

Happy Saturday to you all, stay warm!


  1. I say you fight it. Hope the rest of the day gets better!

  2. Seriously, give me the name of that cop and I’ll take care of him for ya!!!!!!!!!! HA! Such a bummer about the ticket!!
