Monday, November 28, 2011

now that's an update....

I've been mentioning the big changes heading our way but I haven't really written about what those changes are...

I'll start with the most important...

This is a faith issue... Tony made the decision to commit his life to Christ and he has really stepped it up as the spiritual leader of our family. It is something I've prayed for many years. Something I'm so thankful for. It is a very real thing that the man is called by God to be the spiritual leader of his family. I will say from experience there is only so much a mother and wife can do without a God fearing husband- it is so nice to have a partner. But whoa baby... there is no holding us back now that we are both going in the same direction! A very wise couple shared with Tony and I once that a man and a woman are on the two bottom corners of a triangle, God is the point at the top, as they grow closer to God they follow the lines of the triangle and are pulled closer and closer together. This has never felt more real to me. Tony says for the first time in his life he feels like he is being lead, things aren't happening by chance and we are so excited to see what God is going to do next in our lives.

Second issue is a house one... some of you know that Tony and I went through a very difficult financial time when he lost his job of 12 years back in 2008. We lived in our "dream house" and lived very comfortably. After moving numerous times in 2008 and 2009 we ended up here. In a smaller rental house. The landlords have been great to us and we have enjoyed the home but it is time we begin to rebuild. We are in the process of purchasing a home. Tony and I would lay awake at night talking about how we would rebuild, we would have nice cars again, I dreamed about a double oven, he dreamed of having an office again... well, fast forward almost four years later and ask me if any of that is important?
We are buying an almost 1,000 sft. home that currently has no floors and needs a new roof... but ask me and it is my dream home! This home will be ours, for our family and this little home will enable us to do what we now know is the most important - spend time together as a family. We def won't be house poor and it is walking distance to our church. The inspection went well, lots of issues, but all things we were prepared to fix, it's def a project but we will do it together and if any of our friends would like to help, you know where to reach me! I should know a closing date this week.

Third issue is a work one... Tony and his Dad are at it again. The way they like it, father/son duo. They teamed with a Christian man to open a new RV dealership in Ocala. They are excited and it is heartwarming to see that excitement in both of their eyes again. I look at my father in law and I know he has his son's (all three of them)best interest at heart. I look at my husband and I know no matter what, his father is his hero. I know my son will feel the same way someday and for that I am thankful and seeing Marco and Tony together it makes my heart jump, thinking about the future for Tony and Troy. I am so thankful that Marco made the choice to be a leader for his family, I see how Tony learns from his Dad, that's building a legacy people. So, Tony is supposed to begin working in Ocala this week.

So- That is the bundle of change in a few short paragraphs.

Hopefully, I will be able to update more later... some funny stories about how I am preparing to downsize yet again- it's all mental and a little insanity, but I'll share more on that later.

I'm fighting a cold and I'm sure this weather change isn't helping...
Sophia had a rough night (seizure activity of some kind) so I didn't get much sleep.

I got a nap and coffee, now off to the grocery store...

Oh and I got the Christmas Tree up... cute huh? Still more decorations to put up and I have to finish the tree skirt but I couldn't resist posting a photo.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

why that verse?

So, I normally wouldn't feel the need but since it came up I figured I'll take the opportunity to share my thought process...

On the Thanksgiving Eve blog I shared this verse,

"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:24

After posting I was asked, why of all the verses I could post about thanksgiving did I post this verse?

I guess as I as standing in my kitchen, warm, clothed, a roof over my head, my heart full of joy I was humbled thinking we are the rich, America is the rich. As I stood in my kitchen, with running water, clean sleeping children in their beds comfortably tucked under their blankets... I thought.

Yes, I shop on a budget, I cut corners, there never seems to be enough money to go round, but we are the rich. We have shelter over our heads, we do not know true hunger- starvation.

You may say... but I can't buy my children all they want for Christmas, I live in a modest home, I work hard for a small amount of money, we struggle, I am not rich?

My car may not be new or expensive but I have a car to get me from here to there, even if I didn't public transportation is available to us in America.

Healthcare, while I complain about the hours I spend on the phone with insurance... I read a story about a woman in Africa who was brutally attacked because of the way she looked, the attackers cut her arms off and she left her to die, with no hospitals to go to, her mother was able to stop the bleeding with a shovel pulled from the fire, mend her wounds, after months of fighting infection she did survive. We, America, have access in emergent needs, it's not perfect but we aren't a village in Africa, that's for sure.

We are the rich...

As I stood there, smelling peanut butter cookies baking in the oven, I began to think about the winter morning I took Sophia for a walk barefoot. She was only three. There was a shoe drive at church and I explained to her how some people don't have shoes. We walked along the driveway she asked if I would hold her, her feet were cold. I remember wanting her to understand that feeling, to know that others are less fortunate and we must think beyond ourselves, beyond our homes and our communities, to help others in need.

We are the rich...

Sometimes God humbles us, He reveals to us a truth that can make us uncomfortable, only to make us better.

So, this verse may have made some wonder why? and maybe even a little uncomfortable?And maybe I didn't do a good job explaining, but as God revealed it to me I wanted to share it with you.

We are the rich.

In writing that verse I was hoping that others would be reminded, the same way I was reminded, where these thanksgiving blessings come from? Our Lord, He deserves all the glory.

"In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:6

Friday, November 25, 2011

come and gone...

Thanksgiving was a flurry of events

a day of togetherness, praise and blessings abounding.

Good food, great fellowship, and belly laughs that make you gasp for air.

The day came and went so quickly

and like every year memories were made....

a new cooking tradition with my mother in law, fondue and pizza

cooking until 1am Thanksgiving morning,

discovering 'words with friends' and playing until 2am,

the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade,

driving with food (this deserves its own blog),

new and old recipes,

one word- FARKLE,

my children's ability to find every toy in their Nonnie's house,

going from one grandparents house to another,

Turkey legs,

eating with our fingers,

pajama dinners,

Sophia, our little performer

Troy singing "Stain, Stain, Stain on this town..."

my sweet Daddy's belly laughs,

my mom's squeals of laughter,

back home for the Charlie Brown special

not being able to stay awake any longer and falling into my mans arms after a wonderful day.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

29 DAYS, 15 HOURS, 44 SECONDS TILL CHRISTMAS... but who is counting?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve 2011

The house is quiet... a rare moment in the Martinez House.
I'm soaking it in...
My man came home from work a little early, he was completely exhausted...
the kids played 'puppy dog and kitty cat' (a game they can often be found playing)and I snuggled in next to my man, in all of three minutes he was lovingly snoring in my ear.
I got the kids settled in bed earlier than normal.
Candles and Christmas music set the tone for my late night Thanksgiving cooking.
I wasn't planning on blogging until after the holiday but then again I wasn't planning on the house being so still either.
As I tucked my monsters in their beds tonight. I asked them to tell me some of the things they are thankful for.

Troy's list looked something like this (in no particular order)...
Muddy Trucks
Sophia being re-dick-a-less (ridiculous)
Mommy and Daddy
Poppa's fishing hole
my sister's medicine (I thought this was quite profound)
Chick-a-lay (chick fil a)
my bunk bed with sissy (best investment I ever made!)
my family and my dog

Sophia's list looked something like this (again, no particular order)....
my Daddy
God and Jesus
The Bible
the hospitals
Mr. Herb (I am going to have to write a blog about this guy- he seems to make all of Sophia's lists)
homeschool and co-op
my church
my Momma
Mimi, GrandDaddy and Aunt Lannie, my whole family
JazzyBell (our dog)
my fish (his name changes every week, we just call him 'fish')
sea horses
I'm just thankful for Thanksgiving

I had to blog these, because there is no way I want to forget this.

We have so much to be thankful for this year. So, much to be thankful for every year. When I think of all the blessings we have, all that we have to be thankful for I think about the verse in Matthew,

"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:24

May we be humbled, while we contemplate on all that we are thankful for don't forget to acknowledge where it comes from. He deserves all the glory.

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for...
grace and mercy-
without grace and mercy from our heavenly father we would all fall short. It is through grace we receive the gift of salvation. This has never been more clear in my life. I am also thankful for the grace my family and friends extend from the Father too me, Lord, He knows I need it.
the one act that we can do that closely aligns us with our savior. freedom and promise that forgiveness gives.
second chances-
as we are about to embark on an opportunity to rebuild our life on this Earth, I am so thankful for the opportunity to start over, the opportunity to do things right
I've prayed many years for a church home where we could plant some roots; where my children could grow, where my husband would feel comfortable and where I could be involved, this year we found that and I could not be happier.
family and friends-
oh my sweet family, we may not always see eye to eye but we love one another. I treasure the lessons our parents instilled in us, while blood is thicker than water, love is thicker than blood. And too my friends, I have many acquaintances but only a few that I would call my friends. I am so blessed by your presence in my life, you truly are the family that God let me pick. :)
I love you all.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

2 days and counting...

Today we are going to venture out to the park and have a picnic lunch with friends, then I have some errands to run, back home for a nap and then Christmas Choir practice for me (and the kids) while Tony plays basketball with some friends from church.

I need to go grocery shopping for Thanksgiving, my mother in law is coming over to cook with me tomorrow, the days seem to by flying by, I feel like I'm clinging to every moment, these last days of 2011.

This year seems to have flown by quicker than the rest. Why every year does it feel like that?

So, with the hustle and bustle of the season let's not forget what is important,
it's not the centerpiece in the middle of the table but rather who is around it.

If I'm too busy baking to blog, Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 21, 2011

doing for them is good for me

My monsters have been a little under the weather lately.

No real symptom just lots of little things, runny noses, coughing, they seem to need more rest than normal.

Any time children are sick it leave more work for the parent.

My sweet friend has four sick little ones right now. Her days have been filled cooking, cleaning, washing, wiping, it seems never ending...

She says, "they have never all been sick at the same time."

And this momma just wanted them well.

She wanted happy smiles and joyful laughter to fill her home again, and it will but in the meantime she is left doing the dirty work.

As I washed dishes for what seemed like that millionth time, my hands were beginning to crack from being in the water so much during the last two days, I put lotion on my hands and went into the living room to refold the laundry that the dog knocked onto the floor, I stepped on Troy's monster truck and screamed as pain shot from the middle of my foot up my leg, I sat on the floor for a moment rubbing my foot. My focus quickly shifted as I noticed the tiny pieces of purple playdoh that was scattered under the dining room table... yes, it indeed never ends.

And I think, this is what God calls me to do?

In that moment I wanted to throw all the toys into the garage, scream and run through the house like a mad woman, call my husband tell him to come home from work and take care of "his children" so I could escape...

but no, because this is what God calls me to do, to do this with a loving heart, a humble heart, to have grace and mercy, to be their Momma and love them, pick up their toys, wipe their noses, rock that feverish child in the middle of the night.

Doing for them is good for me. It teaches me, it forces me to find strength inside myself and strength in my Lord. Motherhood humbles me, I am better because of the little sacrifices I have made for my children.

Parents are in unique positions if you think about it, we get the opportunity to come as close to understanding God's love for us as anyone can imagine. God's love for us is even more than the love we have for our children.

And in our sick, grumpy, whinny, dirty moments. I am so thankful that he doesn't scream, slam the door and escape His children. He scoops us up, fixes our mistakes, kisses our boo-boos, holds us, makes us better, because we are His children.

As thanksgiving quickly approaches I am so thankful to be His child.

Friday, November 18, 2011

beauty from ashes...

Yesterday was a solemn day,
nothing seemed to go right,
a day to remember,
and as morning broke,
a new sunrise, a breeze in the air
and I want to breath it all in and keep this moment.
My children laughing,
sunshine on my skin,
I want to capture this joy and save it for a day like yesterday.

Isn't that how the Lord intends it to be,
in the hurt and ashes of this life,
I think of a wildfire,
such destruction and loss,

yet, because of the destruction life is born
and a new life springs for the ashes,
and beauty prevails once again.

Though the wildfires of this life bring hurt and destruction,
without them we wouldn't have the opportunity to feel days like today,

The beauty that follows the fires of this life,
While we all face the disappointment of this fallen world,
find peace in knowing beauty will spring from the ashes.

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him, to enable them to fulfill the purpose for which they are called. Romans 8:28

Thursday, November 17, 2011

another year

Today marks another year...
Another year that I haven't seen his face...
Heard his laughter...
Another year that I haven't heard him plucking at his guitar.
I miss him, the good that he had.

He was taken from this Earth before I was ready
There was so much left to say
So much left undone.
I needed more time.

I wish I could look back and remember only the good,
but there were dark moments,
hurt, anger, confusion...
He was sick and I didn't understand.

In his death was freedom for him,
he is free from himself,
from the demons that kept him away from us.
In a way he is more with us now than he was before,
And for those he left behind,
an opportunity for understanding and forgiveness
and freedom from the hurt.

Forgiveness offers comfort and allows the good memories to flood in,
providing comfort and peace.

I will never forget singing in the hotel lobby with you,
How you played the guitar while we danced around the house,
How much you loved to cook,
Always wanting the latest and greatest gadgets,
you would love the Wii and youtube,
you'd be so disappointed with Monday Night Football,
You would love Troy's curly hair and that he is left handed.
Sophia would love to dance while you played the guitar, she would remind you of me.

So, while another year has gone
it doesn't get easier,
I just get used to you not being here,
I miss you, I wish we had more time...
I treasure the good memories
and thank God for freedom for you and for me.

Rest in Peace Daddy.

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, but love leaves a memory no one can steal.

bar soap to liquid soap

Yes my friends, this is a cup of soap... this recipes makes lots so it's a good idea to have an extra container ready.

I have been on this mission with soap for a while now... I love soap! A little too much maybe... I am sure I have spent far too many hours perfecting this project but I think it is finally right...

I have really sensitive skin, I've been making my own laundry detergent with Ivory soap for some time now.

I had seen ways to turn bar soap to a liquid. I wanted to try it... how cool to use Ivory bath bars, Ivory laundry detergent, Ivory hand soap and Ivory body wash... but make it all at home! Ivory everything!

I dunno, but to me this was an exciting thought.

Well, if you search 'bar soap to liquid soap' online you will find 100s of links. The recipes all differ slightly and after trying a number of them and failing miserably -my neighbor was my test subject- thank you Sarah for trying my soap :)

I think... I have finally figured it out.

Things you will need:
Cheese grater
1 bar of soap (IVORY!)
1tsp vegetable glycerin
1tsp honey
5 cups of water

And here we go...

Grate the bar down so that it melts quicker

Boil water, add soap, glycerin and honey, stirring continually till soap melts

Once melted, let cool 20 minutes or so, it will just look like soapy water, my husband was a bit concerned as I cooked soap...

Once cool, pour into a blender- this is when the glycerin takes effect and it gets that 'store bought soap texture'-use the whip setting on your blender only about 20-30 seconds

This will cause it to foam up quite a bit, let it sit for 15 minutes or so and it will being to take a thicker consistancy as it cools.

Pour into containers and use! It will thicken as the hours pass, it really takes about 24 hours to 'look' like store bought but it works just the same.

Doesn't a little spray paint do wonders for a recycled plastic soap dispenser?

This recipes also doubles as great body wash. I got these cute containers at Target, back by the pharmacy for 89 cents.

And clean up is a breeze because everything is already covered in soap...

Monday, November 14, 2011

a testimony of motherhood

So, I almost feel guilty for following this amazing blog about my husband making this life changing decision to follow Christ with this one...

but ya know, life is real...

I'd be totally lying to say that yesterday after church our children acted like little saints and we enjoyed a calm peaceful meal as a family after church and we spent the day loving on one another in a peaceful and relaxing afternoon.

Yes, not quite..
I mean we did have a lovely afternoon and enjoyed being together, but in true Martinez Family fashion... there was no candlelight dinners or peaceful lunches... we jumped on the trampoline, wrestled with the kids, lots of screaming and lots of laughter.
Tony was tearful and I think just emotionally exhausted (I have his permission to say that, as long as I never bring it up again).
It was a great day, a day of praising our Lord and lifting up my man.

So, now... a testimony... of motherhood...

I promised my mom I wouldn't blog about this but it really is too funny and too real not to share with my closest friends and whoever else might read this and find humor in this very real part of being a mom with small children.

Saturday, Tony worked all day.
The kids and I had errands to run, lots of running around.
We left the house at 9 and went to the pharmacy, to the grocery store, to my grandparents house, back home to put dinner in the crockpot and eat lunch, then out again to hit up the fabric shop (great sales over Veteran's Day Weekend), then to another store so the kids could spend their money and get a small toy. Then when Tony got home my mom, grandma and I headed to Lowes...

So- while we were out running all these errands I kept smelling a strange smell...

(yes, mom, I'm going to blog about this- I know, I know).

I couldn't tell what the smell was, you know that smell when you leave your clothes in the washer for too long?

It was kinda' like that...

I kept smelling my shirt, it really wasn't my shirt...

I was smelling my hair,

I have told people before that my hair captures scents, if we are at a BBQ or a bonfire my hair will hold onto the scent for days, even when I wash it...

I kept smelling my hair, it wasn't my hair...

I couldn't figure out where this scent was coming from but there was most definitely a scent...

I kept asking the kids, do you smell that?

Surely I wasn't the only one too smell it?

we ran errands all morning and after lunch the scent was getting worse...

By this point I thought I was going crazy,

I was smelling everything around me.

Why was I the only one smelling it?

I scratched my neck and this orange slime was on my hand, under my nails...
I smelled it... the scent!

What in the world!?

Well, come to find out... earlier that morning Troy was begging for a cheese stick, I decided this wasn't a battle worth fighting so a cheese stick for breakfast was fine with me...

My son, my son... he put the left over cheese stick in my shirt...

this is Troy's safe place for all things important.

I've gone to Publix with a HotWheels in my bra

church only to find a toy solider stuffed in my top

but a cheese stick takes it to a whole new level...

I've had applesauce in my hair

green beans on my pants

even a fruit chew stuck on the bottom of my shoe

but a cheese stick in my bra!?

I screamed once I realized what it was melted all inside my shirt and my neck.

Troy giggled and I wondered how many people noticed this melted cheese on my chest and failed to inform me?

My only comfort was I had been wearing a jacket most of the morning...


So, needless to say, I got a shower and we were off again and no more cheese sticks for Troy.

Isn't motherhood just the greatest?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

moving mountains...

a sigh of relief...
a prayer of praise...
long awaited...
a day of accepting grace.

Grace that is free to everyone, all you must do is choose Him.

This wife has prayed long and hard for this day to come...

an answered prayer today...

The song, "Savior he can move the mountains..." I've sang this many times, pleading with God to move the mountain... and before we got to the chorus that mountain got to moving...

My sweet and loving husband made the most important decision today...

oh how sweet this victory was.

Tears of joy...

I asked why now?

and he said "why fight something that I know is right?"

This man who hasn't cried in over ten years...

he wipes the tears away, saying, "I don't know why I'm crying"

glorious day...

it's is supposed to be emotional, it should bring us to our knees, God is that mighty and His gift is eternal...

I cannot wait to see what the future holds for this leader, this man, I am proud to call my husband.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Veteran's Day Lesson

I really like homeschooling. I think that every parent should consider themselves a homeschooling family, even if their children go to school, reason being... because children need to learn from home, they need to learn from their parents. It is our duty to teach our children whether they go to public school, private school, homeschool, whatever... the foundation should be built at home.

I was thinking today, some of the most meaningful teaching opportunities we have as parents are when our children are home. Thanksgiving, Christmas... important holidays, great teaching opportunities and our children are not in school but when they are at home.

Veteran's Day is coming up, this is not going to be a day off, rather a special day to learn and celebrate those who served and serve our country... we will be learning about the difference between Memorial Day and Veteran's Day. We will right a thank you card and take it to a Veteran. We will call Daddy, Nonnie, Poppa, Uncle Matt and Great Poppa thanking them for the time they spent serving our country.

As I was thinking about our Veteran's Day plans I was thinking, this day should not be viewed a free day, it is not just a day to be out of school. As many of my friends are planning what they are going to do with the day off, I hope you take the opportunity to teach your child/children what this day off is really all about. We need to not let the hustle of life keep us from taking time to teach our children important lessons. We should take advantage of the opportunities and teach them what these important dates are really about.

So to share with my homeschool friends and my non-homeschooling friends. This is the Veteran's Day Packet we will be working on this Friday. I hope you can find something useful and take a little time to remember what the day is about and share it with your children.

A Mother's Heart is a Child's Classroom

Saturday, November 5, 2011

harvest season...

I haven't felt much of the holiday spirit yet, maybe it's the weather (it's been warm), maybe it's too soon in the season, maybe it's the uncertainty of change in the air, maybe it's all the sickness we've been fighting, who knows?

This time of year makes me think about my father, he died November 17, 2002. His birthday was just after Christmas and I always think of him this time of year. I always get a little bit blue during this time of year, early in the season and then it wears off...

Fall festivities began early in October, the fall festival at church, trick or treating with the monsters. I have been busy going and doing but not much feeling...

I just haven't felt like myself and this fall season hasn't felt all warm and "cinnamony" like it normally does. (yes, "cinnamony" is a great word that describes how I feel about fall)

The last two weeks included surgery for my Momma and Grandmomma. They are recovering just fine. Last night I was getting a few groceries for the patients and as I was leaving the store I got a text message from a friend, inviting us for a night of fellowship, celebrating the fall harvest season. I called Tony to see if he was interested in going, he said yes... so we made plans to go.

She didn't know that I had been feeling down. But this gesture of friendship lifted my spirits and was just what I needed...

warmth of the bonfire, good food, fellowship with friends, family and yes... that "cinnamony" kind of feeling.

There is so much to be thankful for, so many blessings... I'm so glad November is here. I love a time when people focus on being thankful and grateful for this life and all that God has provided us with, to Him be the glory.


Friday, November 4, 2011


My man always says the only thing that is constant in this world is change.

He knows I hate change

He tries to comfort me with these words

I know he is right... this life has continually brought change to us.

I have been struggling lately as we prepare for another change

I wouldn't call it comfort, but I find understanding when I recognize that everyone experiences change, that the only thing that is constant in this world is change, I get it, it helps a little... but as I focus in on the words my man says...

this world, the only thing constant in this world...

I am not of this world... I live in this world but I am of His world and in His world He is constant, never changing, He is the rock.

So while I may struggle with the change of this world I find peace in the constancy of my God.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. -Hebrews 13:8