Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fun evening, bad night...

It was an exhuasting night. She was right, she wasn't going to sleep in this hopsital. :) My dear friend Megan came to the hospital last night with her two children, Gracie and Colt (Sophia calls him Baby Hulk). Let me add the hospital is a solid two hours from her house and her children are under two, not an easy task- it meant the world to Sophia! She had been quite gloomy the last portion of the day. A phone call from her friend Anna from church cheered her up a bit but that smile quickly faded as the phone hung up... I was running out of ideas and feeling a bit gloomy myself but I knew Megan was coming. Megan walked in the door with Gracie, Colt, and Wendys! Yummy! It was nice to vist and let the girls play. Sophia told Megan "look at me", she knows she looks funny with that "gauze hat" on her head. She was so happy to have her friends here. It really helped the time go by.

Then at 8, shift change, we had a nice nurse named Jennifer, she was sweet when we saw her, we didn't see much of her, which is good I guess. After that we got ready for bed and the fun began. She really was NOT going to sleep here. Finally she doozed off around 10 and stayed asleep until about 1am, then woke up crying, fussying, saying she wanted to go to sleep in her bed, in her house, she said Troy missed her, Daddy would cry since she wasn't home, her head hurt.. on and on and on and on... I doozed off at 3am, she told me "you can go to sleep, I am NOT sleeping here"... I woke up at 6 and she was awake and about 10 minutes later she told me "I'm going to bed now"... She's been sleeping for about an hour. :) Poor baby.

One day down and two to go.... Daddy and Troy are coming today so that should make her happy. I sent him a text this morning and told him to bring my Nike shoes, my socks, and my toothbrush :)

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