Saturday, October 25, 2008

My wild ones...

I love them! My children bring me such joy! I hope that as a child of God I can bring my Holy Father such joy. <3

Sophia told me today, "God's like a daddy, but He's not, but He is!"

I am definatly feeling some axiety about this hospital visit. I hadn't told Sophia, I didn't want her worrying about it. She does ok at the doctor but recently has developed some hesitation about it, rightfully so, but it is heartbreaking to hear her cry in the car on the way to an appointment. So, I explained to her that we were going to go on a "girls only" trip to the hospital just me and her. I told her that is was special and we would spend three days doing girly things like painting our nails and dressing up and eatting good hospital food :) ok I exhaugerated a bit but you would too. She seemed ok with it. She asked me why we were going to the hospital. I told her for some tests. I told her they were going to put the "princess crown" on her head again, she wasn't so happy about that. She asked if she had to sleep there, I told her yes, but that I would stay there too. She said that Troy would miss her. I told her Tony was going to bring him to see us. It was an exhuasting conversation that went on and on. To conclude, I think she was pretty comfortable with our plan for the hosptial stay. I just pray that the people working will do their best to make her feel comfortable. It's hard when you are putting your child in an environment and you don't know how the people caring for them will act. When I called the hosptial with some questions, the lady seemed annoyed and very busy, which I understand but how can I tell my daughter what to expect when I don't even know. I know God will be watching over her. When she has seizures I pray the same prayer everytime and I pray it again tonight and I am sure it will repeat itself many times this week.
"God send your angels to wrap their wings around her and bring her peace."
I know He will...

1 comment:

  1. Honey - Praying for God's Grace all the way around. From the car drive to all the people who will be near her - God's Grace be evident in all of it!
    ;) She'll be in the very best hands - she has you right there!!
    Love & Prayers
