Saturday, October 25, 2008

A long week.

Figured I'd add some pictures from Troy's birthday.. the cake...

I am pretty proud that with everything going on in our lives I am able to keep my children happy and healthy and Innocent in all of this. We have really had a lot on our plates. Tony's job is very dependent on the stock market and the economy. We are moving from our house into a smaller home so that we can better manage things and if Tony wants to do a job change it will make things much easier. Last week there was a scare with our health insurance and we got news that as of Oct. 31st we were losing coverage. It was so upsetting, especially having Sophia going into the hospital and off seizure medication. It was a scramble to figure out what we were going to do. I am sure some of you realize how hard it is to find coverage when you have 'preexisting conditions' like epilepsy. I went to a job interview, made plans to put the kids in daycare, it was so hard to imagine and happening all to fast. I figured if I got a job I could get health coverage for us. The cost of daycare is unheard of for two small children! How a single mother does it I don't know!? I didn't get the job, I need to take a few classes in medical terminology and then I can apply again, which I might do after we move. But- that didn't help our health insurance issues. I prayed for an answer... Sophia needed to be seen by a neurologist when we get out of the hospital to find out the results and see if she needs to go back on medication and what kind, etc. but with no coverage that would be bad... God provides! Tony called me that afternoon, he got coverage! The same coverage we had, no changing doctors, even better is will cost him $200 less a month and if he loses his job he can keep the coverage! We were over joyed to say the least! Then our house, we are house hunting.. and I found one! It is a lot smaller than where we live now but that's ok it's much more reasonable and affordable, especially if Tony does a job change. Things are so crazy right now. We are going to look at the house today at 2, Tony hasn't seen it yet, but I am sure he will like it. :) Then it's just financing.. which I hear can be tricky with the credit freeze and the morgage crisis, what is meant to be will be. It will be ok. I keep telling myself that. There is so much to be thankful for right now in the midst of all the changes. Sophia is off all medication and doing great! She is happy, alert, just perfect! I hope the EEG goes well next week and she doesn't have to go back on medication. OH- also, she ran a fever this week.. and did NOT have a seizure!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it!! God took care of that baby, I don't remember the last time she ran a fever and didn't have a seizure! It was a miracle! She did have a night terror, I think from the high fever, but I can handle that compared to a seizure anytime. Well, I am off to get ready to see the house and then to the fall festival to take the kids trick or treating on Main Street. Tomorrow we are going to our church's fall festival, then it's packing for the hospital. We have to be there at 1030. I am hoping they have WIFI and you know I'll be in touch and defiantly letting you guys know how things are going over there! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, so much going on in your lives right now! Know that I'm thinking about you and praying for you - you have it right though. What will be, will be - God will take care of everything you hand over to Him!
    The credit markets are EXTREMELY difficult right now - be sure you guys have at least 20% down or you'll probably run into huge problems. Matt had TWO million dollar plus contracts fall apart this week because the buyers could not get financing - it's unreal! I hear you about moving into a smaller home - we've actually considered doing the same just to ride out the rest of this madness. But, I don't think we could sell our house in less than a year :( C'est La Vie ... I've put everything into God's hands - I'm not going to think about it anymore!
    Please, please try to update about Sophia's hospital visit. I am praying for her and for all of you as you face this - it will be fine my friend! She had fever and no seizure - you bet it will all be fine!
    Sending much love, positive thoughts and lots of prayers!!
