Sunday, October 12, 2008

One more and Updates!

This is an old one too but too cute not to share...

BTW, things are going great weaning Sophia off of her seizure medication. She seems so much more active, energetic, and sweet! ;) Thanks for your prayers! Keep praying.
Also, Maciee is going to be back at school tomorrow! Chantal is at home waiting for the birth of her daughter, luckily she doesn't have to stay at the hospital, but her hubby says she is bored out of her mind, miserable, laying in the bed at home (obviously on bedrest) anywho, thank you for your prayers!


  1. Very glad the seizure med decrease is going well so far!! Praying it continues!~ Very cute video!!

  2. Boy! I have lots to catch up on! I had read about Sophia and the weaning of meds and I was praying for her but didn't leave you a note, sorry :(
    I'm glad to hear that it's going well thus far - Praise God! Praying that the EEG goes well and that she's in good hands with a gentle soul this time around. Troy will be just fine, you'll come home and he'll be spoiled ROTTEN with love!
    I'm thinking about you guys and praying - all the way around!
