Monday, October 6, 2008

Pray with Us

Sophia's dear friend, Maciee is sick. They don't know exactly what is wrong with her. From what I have been told she woke up Saturday morning dizzy and couldn't stand. She has been at children's hospital since Saturday. She is in good spirits but not understanding why she can't go home. I am sure her parents are exhausted and terrified. We are praying for a simple answer but the unknown is so difficult as most of you know. Awaiting results from a spinal tap and an MRI. Please keep sweet Maciee in your prayers. Sophia adores her and was very upset that Maciee wasn't in school today. I told her she'd be back next week :)

Also, friends of ours our sitting tight in the hospital awaiting the birth of their sweet baby girl. She is 7 weeks early and mom is on steroids to help the babies lungs. They have three other children waiting at home for their new sister's arrival. Keep them in your prayers too, please.
As always pray for our government. Our country.
God Bless.
Hope everyone has a blessed week.

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