Friday, July 25, 2008


*Troy playing at Big Bounce Fun Zone (about a week ago).

Troy is the same age Sophia was when she started having seizures. I watch him constantly, any odd face or movement he makes I feel a surge of concern shoot through my body. I am not overwhelmed with fear, but it has been a thought in my mind recently. Troy seems different though. He is bigger, healthier, happier... Troy seems so strong. Sophia always seemed so fragile when she was little.

He had his 9 month, well baby and immunization visit today. He wore little shorts and a muscle shirt with white tennis shoes. He looked cute as a button. His little curls on his neckline... I could just eat him up! I thought of Sophia. Always dressed in pink as a baby. Tiny little thing. She wore 3-6 month clothes when she was 9 months old. Troy was wearing 18 months and a size 4 shoe. She had a bright red mohawk (blond now, but she was a carrot top at one time)... Troy is our mullet baby, with his curly brown hair. Sophia, like most babies, screamed when she got her shots. Troy got two shots and didn't even flinch.. not a whimper, cry, nothing. He just laid there trying to sit up. He was 23.9lbs today.. I looked in the baby book and at 9 months Sophia was 15.2 lbs. At one year she was just 17 lbs. Troy will probably be 25lbs.. LOL. I think Poppa is right, in another year Troy is going to look like the big brother.

I was rocking my sweet baby boy to sleep at nap time. I always sing him the same two songs, "Godspeed" and "I never saw blue like that before", he cuddles with his blue blanket while I rock him. It really is one of my favorite time of days. Today he was extremely tired, I handed him his blanket, and he snuggled into my arm, smiled, and closed his eyes. You could see the joy and contentment all over his little face. As I sang he would smile big, open his little mouth so I could see his teeth, so sweet. His eyes stayed closed. You could tell he was awake but resting, he knew he was supposed to be settling in for sleep time. It was precious.

I felt so touched, so blessed.

I prayed. Thanking God for blessing me with that sweet boy and my sweet girl (who was laying in her bed singing to herself). I prayed for Landon. He is on my heart more today than ever. I prayed for God to hold him in His arms, for God to give Landon the same peace and contentment that Troy was feeling in that moment. To give Tami the comfort in knowing Landon is in His arms. Please keep them in your prayers in the passing days.

I want to include the lyrics to Godspeed, for sweet Landon.
Dragon tales and the "water is wide"
Pirate's sail and lost boys fly
Fish bite moonbeams every night
And I love you
Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams
The rocket racer's all tuckered out
Superman's in pajamas on the couch
Goodnight moon, we'll find the mouse
And I love you
Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams
God bless mommy and match box cars
God bless dad and thanks for the stars
God hears "Amen," wherever we are
And I love you
Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams

1 comment:

  1. Tears, tears! I've never heard that song and I love it. How the tears began though, to think of Landon. What a sweet song for his mommy to sing him in their reality. Praying with you, for them, nonstop.

    What a wonderful little story about your beautiful babies. Troy is HUGE - he weighs more than my little tike :) As the story is almost exactly the same between Garrett & Sophia as it is Sophia & Troy. Boys are so different...they're just so big and brawny. I love my boy, but I do so love the delicate girl :)
    Off to the airport in a bit, hope you have a happy, blessed weekend sweet Holly!
