Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Adventure down the Rainbow River.

Today we went tubing down the Rainbow River. Tony had the day off work today. Monday a friend of mine went with her 10 year old son and she told me about it, I decided we should go. So, today we did just that. It was fun. We took the kids with us, imagine two little ones floating down a two hour river ride- it wasn't as hectic as you might imagine. It was a rocky start but once we got going it was a blast!!
We got to the tube rental place, we decided to rent two tubes that had a bottom so that we could sit with the kids, we also had a cooler for snacks, bottles, sippy cups, diapers.. you know. We got on a shuttle that took us to the drop point and carried our tubes down to the water. The tubes were like little raft boats. We tied our tubes together, Tony and Troy rode together, Sophia and I rode in the other one with the cooler. Now, it was a bit hectic getting in the water... just was we were in and going good... SHHHHH... one of the tubes had a leak- we quickly realized it was Tony and Troy's tube. I did anything any other mother would do knowing her husband and son's boat was in danger of sinking- "Give me my son. Tony, you are going to have to swim us to shore!" Quick thinking right!! I know you other mothers would appreciate that. ;) Luckily we were very close to another tube rental dock; they were very sweet and helped us get back in the water with a new tube. We ended up- Tony in the raft with Troy and the cooler, Sophia in her own little boat, me in a tube floating behind Sophia. Once we got in that second time, it was smooth sailing. It was a fun trip. About an hour in Sophia said she wanted to sit with me, we were in pretty deep water at that point so I put my legs into her boat and she crawled over my legs, like a bridge, into the tube with me. She sat on my belly while we floated down the river. By this point Tony had tied my shirt to Troy's head to keep him cool and he refused to wear his hat. Troy looked like a little pirate. Sophia and I were swimming along in our tube trying to escape the pirates. It was so fun. Tony really played it up, saying "ARRRG" every time our tube got close to theirs. It was so fun. Troy would reach over and splash in the cool water. We ate our snacks, Tony feed Troy a bottle.. all while the current pushed us down the river. By the end, my normally water shy, Sophia was asking to climb outside the tube, hold onto the side and kick along with the fish. I was shocked, she loved it- she was giggling and laughing, precious sounds. Tony said "kids will do anything when they are sick of sitting" - I guess so! A few times she would lay on me and rest like she was relaxing in at a day spa, so cute. Troy was looking around at everything, he was constantly entertained while he and Daddy pretended to be pirates trying to capture Princess Sophia. At the end we saw an otter, he kept coming to the surface then diving back down. It was the perfect ending to our adventure down the Rainbow River.

The water was crystal clear the entire way. The water is 72 degrees year round. To read more about the river and see more pictures-

It really was a beautiful day. How blessed an I!??? :)

We did bring a water camera but we have to wait for the pictures to get developed, hopefully I will have them by the end of the week to share.. I want you to see our little pirate Troy. It was hilarious!


  1. Sounds like fun! Although the water seems a bit cold for my liking!! :)

  2. Your day sounds like it was unbelievably glorious -- I'm so jealous!
    Hey, sounds like you guys might be on to something as far as getting Princess Sophia into the water!
    Glad to hear all is well on your homefront, honey! That makes my heart super happy!!

  3. Hi there I am out "cross blogging" and came to yours! Your daughter is so beautiful! My husband and I sat and read some of your posts and our heart felt your trial with the doctors and seizure stuff. What a sweet blog site you have, I love reading your posts, you are so detailed and its wonderful! The post about you being anal "organized" whoa... that strung a cord! I am SOOOO the same way, labels they are wonderful arn't they! We are NOT anal, just completely organized happy and loving it! Always be good at what you love, right?! Anyway I just wanted to stop by and say hello and that I have now earmarked your site and will be back to visit often :) I will remember to pray for your angel! Love in Christ, Tamara

  4. So glad you all had a great time Holly :) I love the way in which you share about your life and your family. Thanks for stopping by my page :) Have a GREAT day!! xoxo

  5. Sounds like a blast!! Too funny, Pirates!! I am glad you were able to spend some fun times together! I cannot wait to see the pics!!
