Friday, July 4, 2008

water into grape juice...

I hope everyone had a Happy 4th of July. It was a fun day for us we celebrated with family and friends. It was a happy day.

Now, another 'Sophia funny'-

Days back Sophia and I were telling 'Jesus stories'. I was telling her about Jesus turning the water into wine... now remember, these stories are always modified for a two year olds understanding. I told her that Jesus was at a wedding, a big party, and they only had water- no wine (she wouldn't know what wine was so I was saying grape juice), I told her that Jesus did a miracle (which she is convinced Jesus is magic and carried a wand that looked like a Shepard's hook and it made him magic- I am afraid that she is going to be very confused!) and Jesus turned the water into grape juice. So that all the people could drink it and celebrate at the wedding.
It was a fun time, talking to her about the miracles of Jesus, we talked about how Jesus healed sick people, and other stories. I love talking to her about God.

Every morning Sophia drinks a cup of orange juice or chocolate milk.
Now, I swore I would never give my child chocolate milk, I thought it was for special occasions only! It is funny the things you think before your a parent, even when you are a parent- yet, when that time comes you change your mind. I think it is so cute in the morning when she asks 'do we have chocolate mulk mommy?' How could you say no! It began when she was one and still wasn't able to digest dairy, the pediatrician suggested starting her on soy milk- she hated it! Her formula was $25 for the smallest can, so it was continue paying for formula or try the chocolate soy... of course she loved it! Since then, she is able to eat dairy but can't bring herself to try "white milk"- She doesn't even believe that "white milk" is milk... I remember when I was nursing Troy and Sophi asked me "is there chocolate mulk in there". Now, I know there are probably other healthier options, but we will stick with the low fat 'chocolate mulk' for this girl.

Back to the story, she only gets one cup of chocolate milk and one cup of orange juice a day.. the rest is water, Gatorade (if we have been spending lots of time outside), and if she goes over to her Nonnie's house she always comes home with a Capri Sun (which she thinks is a very special treat!). Yes, in my strange mommy mind I feel that I am making her healthy by giving her these options. No, I am not a control freak. ;)
So- this morning she drank her chocolate milk and asked for more. Not thinking much about it I returned her cup with water in it. She looked at her cup and looked at me, shrugged her shoulders and went about her busy little morning routine of organizing her My Little Ponies along the couch. I 'made' pancakes for breakfast (the Eggo mini microwave pancakes) and called her into the kitchen. She asked for her cup, I got it filled it with more water and gave it to her. She tasted it, looked at me, looked at her cup... as if taking to her cup, looked at it very seriously, and said "I wish I could turn this water into chocolate mulk"... then she looked at me and said "Jesus could, He turns water into grape juice."


  1. Very cute story!! Kids are soo funny! It amazes me how innocent and sweet God makes them!!
    Glad you had a fun 4th!


  2. Too cute Holly :) Well, have my own blog page now. So if you want, stop by, enjoy!!

    Have a great rest of your weekend!


  3. Hilarious! She's got quite the little commentary goin' on.

    The whole chocolate mulk - that reminds me so much of my Garrett! When he was a year old, he was put on milk. He would not drink it! So, I made it with ovaltine - he loved it! Holly, I kid you not, he would drink about 6 glasses a day! I asked my doc - he said it's absolutely fine.

    You guys have a hot date nite, tonight don't you? I'm jealous - have a little extra fun just because the rest of us are not having a date, too!

  4. Too funny! Don't feel bad, Josie is 4 and we still do chocolate milk here every morning. That's awesome that she thinks capri suns are special treats too, we just keep ours on the bottom shelf so Josie can get one whenever she's thirsty.
