Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sophia's elbow update-

The elbow is doing just fine. She can fully extend it now, although she doesn't always want to. She doesn't baby it near the way she did. Occasionally if she bumps it in just the right spot she'll fuss about it but overall it really isn't much of an issue. She is such a toughy it really didn't seem to affect her much after the first two weeks.
I am keeping her off the dining room chairs now though. I still haven't let her back on the trampoline, which we are having playgroup at our house tomorrow so I am sure that will change then.
We went to the park last week and she was swinging around on a toy with one arm, she's so funny.
We did go to an orthopedic doctor who decided not to splint or cast, he said that often times when you splint a bone unless totally broken it can create more of a problem in the future (with the joint getting stiff) and he didn't want her to spend the summer in physical therapy.. I was shocked at first that he didn't splint it but I then I was very happy because she did handle it very well. She just kept it bent and towards her body until she was ready to use it.
Thank you for asking.. and she is doing great!! :)


  1. Thanks for coming by and commenting! I look forward to getting to know you better. :)

  2. I'm so glad to hear that she's getting along fine with her elbow. Youth = Resilience, amazing!
    Hugs and Blessings.
