Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I try and give Sophia memory verses each week. Something to talk about, something to put into her growing mind. Just a thought. I want her to hear scripture at a young age. I want her to grow into a kind, gentle, compassionate, caring person.
Last week we talked about having a 'good heart'. Sometimes she can be such a little stinker. During one of our talks last week (this talk was followed after she slammed her bedroom door in Troy's face and screamed "get out of here!") She was clearly angry at Troy on this day, for what reason I don't know, but she was not happy with him. I told her she had a good heart, that God made her with goodness inside, so she should let the goodness show on the outside by being nice to her brother. She told me "I'm not good, I'm a mean boy just like Bruder". Out of the mouth of babes. I guess that's what she was feeling about Troy. :) The week wore on and she was in the most hateful mood. I was tired of telling her to have a good heart and be good. I wanted to tell her she must have a mean heart- but I didn't!! I don't believe that either, but I felt like saying it! Later in the week she came and hugged me and said "Mommy, thank you for teaching me about my good heart."
Thank you God! Thank you Lord for making it so clear to me that my talks do matter to her and that she is listening, despite her mouth! Oh the mouth on that child!! That mouth!
Now, back to the 'caring'. This week is 'caring', we have a book called God's Virtues for Little Girls (they all are modified for her understanding but it is a great book)... Proverbs 31:20 says "She welcomes the poor, she helps the needy." We talked about that on Sunday night before bed and I told her a story about ways she can be caring and help others. She seemed to enjoy this, as she loves to be a helper.
Yesturday we came home from the grocery story and the 'trash can man' was picking up our trash, I met him at the end of the driveway and walked the trash can up to the house. Sophia was with me. When we went inside she asked me for a 'hopcicle' (popcicle) from the freezer, I told her she could have it but she had to go outside and eat it on the patio.. she said she didn't want it for her, but for the 'trash can man' he looked hot. She said that would be caring. We took the 'hopcicle' to the end of the driveway and gave it to the 'trash can man' when they drove back by. She was so happy... ran back to me saying "I was caring, I was caring." Sweet girl! She was proud of herself. I took two popcicles and we went down to the spring, sat on a bench and ate popcicles under a big tree and she told me all about how the 'trash can man' was so happy to eat a 'hopcicle'.
How awesome! How smart are our babies. It is amazing how they follow by example, by what we teach them... scary but amazing. How important for us to be a positive role model for our children. What a job we have as parents to instill positive virtues into our children.

1 comment:

  1. You really do have a nitch in this writing business. You express yourself so clearly, it's a joy to read your posts :)
    Is this the hardest job I've ever had? Absolutely, Positively, YES. I am with you in the thinking that we have a huge responsibility in raising children who are caring, compassionate, giving, empathetic, and on and on. We all slip, once in a while, as Sophi did with Troy - but it sounds like you're doing a darn good job of teaching. You're a great mommy in so many ways!
    Change of subject ... I love the photo of Sophia as the Princess of the Playground ... you better look out mom, that girl is something else!
    May love and laughter come easy today!
